Import Item Structures

In these procedures, you're an administrator importing item structures.

Before importing a structure, you must create or import all items (including components), and they with their respective revisions, must be available in the Product Development application. Once all the structure items are available in the application, use ItemStructureImportTemplate.xlsm to organize the structure data for import.

The tabs (pages or sheets) in the spreadsheet are as follows:
  • Instructions and CSV Generation - use for reference
On the functional sheets, the key column heads are:
  • Transaction Type
  • Batch ID
  • Batch Number
  • Structure Name
  • Organization Code
  • Item Name
  • Component Item Name
Here’s an overview of the process:
  1. Download the Item Structure Import template file from the following guide: Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM File-Based Data Import (FBDI) for SCM.
  2. Enter data in tabs within the Item Structure Import template file.
  3. Upload the .zip file to your Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM application.
  4. Generate a CSV (.zip) file.
  5. Move the data into Item Management interface tables.
  6. Import items, then import item structures to Item Management product tables.

Set Up the Spreadsheet

You must plan and decide exactly which items shall become structures and the quantities of each item that shall be required on any specific structure.
  1. Open the Item Structure Import spreadsheet template.
  2. Use the EGP_STRUCTURES_INTERFACE tab to choose which items will be included in the structure and enter information about each parent item.
    • Choose the Relationships that each item has with any other item in the structure, parent-to-child, or child-to-parent.
    • List the respective parent items in the Structure Item Name column.
  3. Use the EGP_COMPONENTS_INTERFACE tab, to enter component information, where each component is listed in the Component Item Name column and its corresponding parent is listed in the Structure Item Name column. Use the Start Date and End Date columns to define the revision to which a component is assigned, based on the revision's Effectivity date.
    • List the child items in the Component Item Name column.
    Note: The same component can’t be added multiple times with overlapping effective dates. If you must have multiple records of the same component and structure combination, use different non-overlapping dates, as shown here:
    • Line 1 for component 1: Start Date = D1, Effective Date = D2, End Date = D3
    • Line 2 for the same component 1: Start Date = D1, Effective Date = D4 (which must be greater than D3), End Date = D5 (greater than or equal to D4)
  4. Use the Sequence column, to define the order in which the items will be listed in the structure.

    If this column is blank or includes a duplicate value, the sequence in the new structure is automatically calculated by the application. The new sequence number is calculated by retrieving the highest existing sequence number and adding the predefined increment to this value.

Import Additional Item Structure Data

To include reference designators, use the EGP_REF_DESGS_INTERFACE tab on ItemStructureImportTemplate.xlsm, and provide an effectivity date that matches the component effectivity date.

To add substitute components, use the EGP_SUB_COMPS_INTERFACE tab. When importing either reference designators or substitute components, include the parent components during the same import; this is required because the application expects a 'component' entry in the interface tables.