List Builders

The list builder is a method used for routing a workflow task. For example, routing the approval to an approval group.

When the conditions in a rule are met, the task is assigned based on the action in the Then section of the rule. To define an action, you select a list builder and then provide settings for that list builder to determine whom to assign the task.

Here are the list builders available for the Product Management offering:

  • Approval Group

  • Resource
  • Supervisory

Approval Group

An approval group is a specific set of users that can act on a task. Depending on the participant type, tasks are routed to an approval group in serial or parallel.

  • Parallel: Someone in the approval group can claim the task and act on it. When the task is claimed, no one else in the group can act on it. But if the person who claimed the task releases it, then someone else from the group can claim it.

  • Serial: The task is routed to each member of the approval group in sequence, so everyone must act on it.

After you select Approval Group as the list builder, you select the approval group to assign the task to when the rule's conditions are met.

It's recommended to set Allow empty groups to False. If you set the Allow empty groups attribute to True and the approval group doesn't contain any member, this might result in stuck change orders.


You can assign the task to a specific user. (Even though LDAP group is also a possibility, it's recommended that you don't use them.) Select the assignee in the Users field, and leave the other fields for participants with null. Note that the application role isn't supported.


You can use the supervisory list builder for automatically approving or rejecting a task in change orders and new item requests.