Secure Structures

Use the View Item Structure data privilege to control who can view specific subassemblies within your item and document structures or download related attachments.

Use this data privilege to ensure that users can only see and work on the components and subassemblies for which they're assigned access. If you don’t have this data privilege on a structure, you can’t view its structure tab. If you don't have this privilege on one of the subassemblies in the structure, then you can't expand that subassembly or view its components.

Here's an example of how this privilege restricts access to a particular subassembly CPU ZX00 in the structure for Laptop ZX00.
  • Laptop ZX00

    • Monitor ZX00 - Access granted, you can expand structure level to view components within it.

      • Circuit Board ZX00
      • Camera AQ
    • CPU ZX00 - Access restricted, you can't expand structure level.
    • Keyboard AQ
      • Keyboard Keys AQ
      • Casing ZQ
This restriction is applied when you do the following:
  • View the structure in the item structure tab
  • Export the structure to Excel from the Item Structure tab
  • View the Structure AML sub-tab on the Item AML of the subassembly in the Product Development work area
  • View the structure in the Item Structure Report.

    Note: To view the report, you'll need the privilege Generate Item Change Order Report (EGO_GENERATE_ITEM_CHANGE_ORDER_REPORT_PRIV).
  • Download structure attachments.

  • View the structure in the summary view in the Product Information Management work area.
  • You can inherit the View Item Structure Data privilege from an item class or assign it per item using the Security tab.
  • When rendering structures, subassemblies or components are visible only if you have the View Item Basic data privilege.
  • The View Item Structure data privilege isn't enforced on the Where Used tab.
  • In the Product Information Management work area, the Component Details tab in the Summary View of the item structure displays the entire structure and doesn’t honor the View Item Structure privilege.