Understand a View Used on the Search Page

The view used for Product Management Search combines the view attributes and the search configuration into the single page to simplify the maintenance. Administrators must make a default search view to display the search results based on the configuration and that applies to all users.
  • Each object has predefined views that contains primary attributes for the object. You can’t edit or delete the predefined views.
  • Views used for searches also contain the search configuration and the attribute configurations.
  • Each view has a View Name, Description, and View Code. The View Code is autogenerated.
  • The Application and Task Flow values decide the page or the search, where the view is used. Each Application and Task flow combination has a default view that’s used when the Product management Search page is first launched.
  • You can duplicate the predefined view to create more views based on your requirement or you can create views.
  • When you create a view, only the primary objects will automatically be added to the view:
    Object Name Create Flow Primary Attributes

    Item Number

    Item Description



    Manufacturer Description




  • If a view is set as Default, it’ll launch the Product Management Search page in the default view from the application or task flow. You can only set one view as the default for an application or task flow.
  • Search configuration part of the views for searches have different filter types that can be used based on the data type of the attributes. Sometimes, there may be multiple options.
  • Attributes in a View:
    • All attributes in a view for a search must be in the index.
    • If an attribute is in a view, you can’t remove the attribute from the index unless it’s removed from the view first.
    • Views support all attributes that are used in the application or task flow, but controls the attributes that’ll be displayed initially, and the attributes that can be added in the application.
    • Each view has two or more attributes. For example, the predefined view has four attributes for Product Development Search and five attributes for Product Hub Search. The Product Development view uses the master organization setup in the Product Development application, so it doesn’t appear in the view.
    • Attributes are organized in groups for an object and each child object. They're shown in the Attribute Group column.
    • Each attribute in the view has a Display Order. It’s automatically added when the attribute is added to the view and is editable. For example, in a table, the order of the columns will be determined by the display order from left to right.
    • Initial display of the attributes in a view is determined by the Display Columns switch. When the switch is set to On, the attribute will initially be displayed. If the attribute display column switch is Off, the attribute can be added to the user interface by the user. Some display column switches are defaulted and shown in a disabled state to indicate the value is predefined. For example, Item and Item Description are default to On and are predefined and you can’t change the value.
  • Attributes can be enabled to use a filter using the Filter Chip switch. When an attribute has a filter chip enabled, the system provides choices for the Filter Chip Type. Sometimes, a single choice is automatically selected.
  • Only a single type of filter chip is available for characters that have lookups with a list of values. Keyword search is much better to use for entering a set of characters. The filter displays the list of values for the lookup. The user can select one or more values.
  • Attributes that are data type date can be displayed in both single date selection and date range selection. In either case the user will use the date picker to select the date in a calendar.
  • Each of the attribute data types have multiple ways to display the data associated with the attribute. Attributes that are number data type can be displayed as single number that the user enters, or a user entered range.
  • Keyword search is much better to use for entering a set of characters for the search.
  • Each attribute can be enabled to be used in Keyword search where the user can type in characters and search the index using all attribute enabled for keyword search. The Keyword Search switch value is used to determine if the attribute is used in keyword searching. Some best practices:
    • Keyword search is primarily used for attributes that are type character.
    • A few attributes in the predefined views are enabled by default for keyword search.