How can I view the manufacturer part number when receiving goods?

To display the manufacturer part number (MPN) and manufacturer name when receiving goods and performing associated transactions, you must enable the columns from the View menu throughout the Receiving and Self-Service Receiving pages.

Select View > Columns > Manufacturer Part Number and View > Columns > Manufacturer.

If there is a single value for the MPN and manufacturer against the record, the values display directly in the record. However, if there are multiple values for the MPN and manufacturer, you see a Multiple link display in both columns. Click either the value or the Multiple link to open the Manufacturer Parts window to view the full list of MPNs and manufacturers.

Note: If the source document line is a PO line, the application sources the MPN and manufacturer from the PO line itself. If the source document line isn't a PO line, the application sources the MPN and manufacturer from the item master record in Oracle Product Hub.