Orders to Receive

On the Orders to Receive page in the Responsive Self-Service Receiving application, you can search for your orders across requisitioning business units provided you have the appropriate requisitioning business unit data access.

You can search for your orders by a variety of attributes such as item, requisition, supplier, purchase order, transfer order, shipment, and so forth. Smart filters (Chips) let you quickly search on predefined search attributes such as expected date, document type, item, requisition, and requisition line. Once you select a specific chip, it displays in the search fields and the search results are filtered accordingly. A navigation bar is displayed at the bottom of the page enabling you seamlessly switch between the Orders to Receive and My Receipts pages.

You can receive orders expected in the past, expected today, and expected in the future. Orders to receive expected in the past are displayed for the past 30 days. A badge displays on the card indicating if the order has been partially received. Additionally, you can view the expected date of the order, item, item description, source document, supplier, and quantity or amount. You can receive document types including purchase order, transfer order, and ASN. Lastly, you can receive amount-based and description-based purchase orders.