How Shipping Accepts Shipment Lines for Shipment to Suppliers for Outside Processing

The outside processing flow begins within the Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing solution.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing sends shipment lines to Oracle Shipping for processing by way of the supply chain orchestration processes. For information about outside processing in Oracle Manufacturing, see the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Manufacturing guide. For information about the supply chain orchestration processes for outside processing, see Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Using Supply Chain Orchestration guide.

Shipping accepts the work order, purchase order, and end assembly information and automatically sets the order type for these shipment lines to outside processing. Work order information is stored in the order attributes, and purchase order information is stored in the source order attributes. You can use these attributes to search shipment lines for outside processing for a specific work order or purchase order throughout the entire shipping process. You can also configure shipping documents to include these attributes, as well as end assembly details.

Because the goods are predefined in Manufacturing as outside processing and these shipment lines are not sales order-related, Shipping creates these lines as staged directly. You can then pack and ship the shipment lines to the supplier for outside processing.