Cancel or Fulfill the Remaining Quantity on Partially Picked Movement Request Lines

For a manually created movement request line, you can cancel or fulfill the remaining quantity on partially picked lines.

Cancel Remaining Quantity

To cancel the remaining quantities of a partially picked movement request line automatically, enable the Close movement request lines at pick confirmation parameter for the inventory organization. This selection automatically closes replenishment movement requests that are partially filled at pick confirmation time.

  1. From the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Inventory Organizations task:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Maintenance

    • Functional Area: Facilities

    • Task: Manage Inventory Organizations

  2. On the Manage Inventory Organizations page, search for and select an organization.

  3. Click the Manage Organization Parameters button.

  4. Select the Close movement request lines at pick confirmation check box.

You can also manually cancel the remaining quantity on a movement request by using the Manage Movement Requests task.

  1. From the Inventory Management work area, select the Manage Movement Requests task.

  2. On the Manage Movement Requests page, search for and select a movement request.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Cancel Movement Request.

    An information message displays indicating that if you close the movement request, you can no longer take any actions on the movement request other than viewing it.

Fulfill Remaining Quantity

If you want to fulfill the remaining quantity of the movement request, create a new pick for the remaining quantity on the movement request. You do this in the same way that you created the first pick for the movement request.

  1. From the Inventory Management work area, select the Manage Reservations and Picks task.

  2. On the Manage Reservation and Picks page, select Create Pick from the Actions menu.

  3. Enter values for the Organization and Item.

  4. Select Movement Request from the Demand Document Type drop down list.

  5. Enter the partially picked movement request number in the Demand Document Number field and click Search.

  6. The search results display the movement request with the remaining quantity available to pick.

You can also use the Pick Release Movement Request scheduled process to initiate the picking process.