How Cycle Counts Determine the Number of Items to Count Each Day

To determine the number of cycle count items to be scheduled on a given day, first multiply the number of items assigned to the class by the number of counts per year. Then, divide that total by the number of working days in the year.

Here's the formula:

[(Number of items assigned to the Class) x (Number counts per year)]/(Number of working days in a year).

For example, let's say you have these parameters:

  • Number of items in Class A = 131

  • Counts per year = 52

  • Number of working days in a year = 225

The number of items to be scheduled per day is (131*52)/225. The number of items to be scheduled each day in this example is 31.

If you need to count an item more frequently than the schedule suggests, you can select the Include in Count check box on the Item Cycle Count definition to have the item included in all subsequent counts.

The first count schedule created for this cycle count contains the first 31 Class A items listed in Define Classes and Items. The next count schedule will contain the next 31 Class A items, and so forth. This continues until all Class A items have been counted 52 times.

  • If the Cycle Count Schedule Frequency defined for the cycle count is By period, the calculation to generate count sequences uses 13 periods, and not 12.

  • Count sequences for zero on-hand quantity items aren't generated unless you have defined an item and subinventory relationship for the item.