Lot Attribute Restrictions

When updating lot attributes for an item, the application checks against any lot attribute restrictions. Validation checks occur on these lot attributes that you may choose to edit on the Edit Item page:

  • Lot control (Lot section, Control field)

  • Grade control (Grade Control section, Grade Controlled field)

  • Child lot enabled (Child Lot section, Child Lot Enabled field)

  • Lot divisible (Lot Split or Merge section, Lot Divisible field)

  • Shelf-life control (Lot Expiration section, Control and Shelf Life Days fields)

You can change an item's lot attributes in these scenarios:

  • Only open purchase orders exist for the item

  • An advanced shipment notice (ASN) exists for an open purchase order and the ASN doesn't include any lot numbers

  • A receipt exists for an open purchase order, but the goods haven't been put away

  • A shipment line exists for the goods

  • An open RMA exists for the goods

In all situations above, no on-hand quantity or pending transactions can exist for the goods.

You can also update the Lot Divisible attribute if any pending transactions exist for the lot-controlled goods, as long as no on-hand quantity exists for the item.

To edit the lot attributes for an item:

  1. From the Product Information Management work area, select the Manage Item task.

  2. Search for and select an item to access the Edit Item page.

  3. Select the Inventory link from the Specifications tab.

  4. Under the Lot, Grade Control, Child Lot, Lot Split or Merge, and Lot Expiration sections, you can edit the lot attributes for the item.