Lot Number Recording

You can access the Record Lots page from several different business processes. For example, you can access this page when receiving an item. You might want to enter multiple lots for a receipt. You can also access this page when performing a miscellaneous receipt or miscellaneous issue transaction that requires lot entry.

When performing a transaction that requires you to generate and record lots, the Transaction Details section of the page shows different details depending on the process that brought you to the page (receipt, pick confirm, and so forth).

You can enter the lot number manually or click the Generate Lot button to have the lot number automatically assigned. You can also select Generate Lot from the Actions menu. When you choose Generate Lot, the application generates a lot number based on either the organization or the item lot definition parameters that were previously set up, and populates the lot fields on the Record Lots page with that number. You can also generate a parent lot number by selecting Generate Parent Lot from the Actions menu.

If your process requires assigning the transaction quantity to more than a single lot, you can enter the quantity desired for the lot on the line. You can also view how many lots have been entered for the transaction quantity and how many remain to be entered.

Once you generate the lot, you have two options:

  • Click OK: Clicking OK closes the Record Lots page and navigates you back to the source page. The transaction on the page must also be saved in order for the application to save the generated lot. Upon clicking OK, the application generates as many lots as specified and populates the generated lots in the Record Lot Information area with the pending quantity of the transaction split equally across the number of lots requested.

  • Click Cancel: Clicking Cancel closes the Record Lots page and navigates you back to the source page with no action taking place. If you select Cancel after a lot has been generated, the items in the transaction remain unassigned from a lot.