Pending Inventory Reduction Transactions for Sales Orders

Use the Manage Pending Transaction pages to review and modify pending transaction errors for inventory reduction transactions for sales orders (direct sales order issue transactions).

Inventory reduction transactions can be used when the sales order doesn't need to go through the entire fulfillment cycle, such as pick wave, pick, pack, and ship, but still needs to complete sales order costing and accounting.

From the Inventory Management work area, select Manage Pending Transactions from the task pane. Click a link for a Direct Sales Order Issue error transaction on the Manage Pending Transactions page. This takes you to the View Pending Transactions page. To search for inventory reduction transactions, select Sales Order in the Source Type field and enter the sales order number in the Source Reference field. The Source Reference field doesn't display by default. You must select it from the Add Fields menu.

In a case where a transaction in stuck in pending because of a discrepancy between the physical and on-hand quantity in the application, you can perform a cycle count adjustment so that on-hand quantity matches the physical quantity, or you can enter a different subinventory, locator, lot, or serial number for a transaction to process it from the pending transaction.

An inventory reduction transaction with a project and task reference on the sales order can become stuck in Manage Pending Transactions when you don't have enough on-hand available for the item for the associated project and task. In order to process the error record from pending transactions, you can perform a cycle count adjustment to correct your project inventory, or you can issue common inventory by removing the inventory project and inventory task for the stuck transactions. You can issue common inventory for the project demand when the Allow Use of Common Suppliers attribute for an item organization combination has no value or is set to Yes.

You can use the Inventory Staged Transaction REST service to get and update the pending transactions.