Purge Inventory Transactions Interface Process

Run the Purge Inventory Transactions Interface process to purge data from the INV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE, INV_TRANSACTION_LOTS_INTERFACE, and INV_SERIAL_NUMBERS_INTERFACE tables. The content of these tables displays collectively on the Manage Pending Transactions page.

Process Parameters

This table provide a description of the Purge Inventory Transactions Interface process parameters.



Review Only check box

The process purges records when this check box isn't selected. The check box is selected by default.

Load Request ID

Let's you purge transactions with a specific load request ID. You can get this value from the Manage Pending Transactions page, or use the Inventory Staged Transactions Rest resource to get this value.


You can choose to purge the records for a specific organization.

Processing Status

Select from these values:

  • 3: purges error transactions

  • 1: purges pending transactions

  • All: purges both error and pending transactions

The default value is 3.


You can purge transactions for a specific error number for a transaction. Get the error from the Manage Pending Transactions page or Inventory Staged Transactions Rest resource.

From Creation Date and To Creation Date

Use these fields to purge transactions between two creation dates.

Created By

Purge transactions created by a specific user.

Functional Log

After running the scheduled process, you can view a summary of the process. The output from the functional log provides this information:

  • Total number of records deleted

  • Number of records with pending status deleted

  • Number of records with error status deleted

  • Earliest creation date

  • Latest creation date