Select Mass Replacement Options

Review and compare the original and replacement item’s parameter details such as primary UOM, purchasing UOM, and pack size. Next, you’ll make two choices to determine how you want to proceed with the replacement:

  1. Replace item subinventories replenished by inventory source?

    If you want to replace internally sourced subinventories, select Yes.

    Select No if you want to replace only the supplier sourced subinventories. If the disrupted item has stock that can be consumed, you can continue to replenish the stock from the internal source until it gets exhausted. In such case, you can opt for not replacing inventory sourced subinventories and locators. Only the supplier sourced subinventories and corresponding locators will undergo mass replacement.

  2. Copy item subinventories, item locators, and item transaction defaults from the disrupted item?

    Review the comparison of parameters for the disrupted item and replacement item displayed in this step in a card view. These guidelines can help you select yes or no:

    Options Guidelines to Make a Choice Next Steps
    Yes If the parameters such as primary UOM, purchasing UOM, packaging string, minimum order quantity, or lead time for both items are the same, perform mass replacement by selecting yes. When you select Yes, no other actions are required by you. A scheduled process is submitted, and it performs mass updates on item subinventories, item locators, and item transaction defaults. You’ll be guided to the replacement details page where you can view the progress of the scheduled process.
    No There are a few scenarios in which you may prefer to choose No:
    • If there’s a change in the UOM, pack size, minimum order quantity, or lead time for the replacement item, you may want to opt for No.
    • You may want to associate a different subinventory or locator to the replacement item if you don't want the disrupted item and replacement item to commingle in the same location.
    • If the replacement item already has an existing demand and is set up for replenishment in the same item subinventories or locators where the disrupted item resides, you’ll be prompted to define the inventory entities manually, irrespective of whether the parameters are the same or not.
    When you select No, you’ll be directed to the next steps in the guided process where you’ll define the item subinventories, item locators, and item transaction defaults.

If the replacement is for alternate supplier, you’ll be asked this question: Change item subinventories, item locators and item transaction defaults?

If you select no, no other actions are required by you. You’ll be guided to the replacement details page where you can view the status of the task. If you select yes, you’ll be guided to the next step in the guided process to change item subinventories, item locators and item transaction defaults.

Any exceptions that occur during the mass update of the inventory entities through the scheduled process are displayed in the execution errors page. The replacement details page will show the error status and the Resolve Exceptions action. Click Resolve Exceptions to go to the execution errors page. Review the errors, make corrections, and resubmit the updates.