Transfer Types

Transfer types determine how to transfer material between two inventory organizations. Transfer types apply to both interorganization and intraorganization (intersubinventory) transfers, and are applicable to both inventory and expense destination transfers.

Transfer types apply to:

  • Inventory destination transfers

  • Expense destination transfers

Inventory Destination Transfers

Inventory destination transfer orders require movement to a destination inventory warehouse location. With inventory destination transfers, you have a shipment in the source organization that decrements the source location's inventory, and a put away transaction in the destination organization that increments the destination location's inventory.

Transfer types include:

  • Direct transfer type

  • In-transit transfer type

Direct interorganization transfers move items directly between inventory organizations. The destination organization receives the material immediately when you submit the transaction. Direct intersubinventory transfers move inventory directly from the shipping subinventory to the destination subinventory within an organization. In both cases, the transfer of material is immediate and no receipt is required by the requesting organization.

In-transit interorganization transfers move items directly from the source organization to in-transit inventory. In-transit intersubinventory transfers move inventory from the shipping subinventory to the in-transit inventory. Receipts are required for in-transit transfer types and you must specify the receipt routing.

Receipt routing options include:

  • Standard: Receive the item first, and then deliver without inspection.

  • Direct: At receipt, deliver this item directly to its location.

  • Inspection: Receive the item first, inspect it, and then deliver the item.

With in-transit transfer types, you can track the inventory until it arrives at the destination organization. You usually transfer material to in-transit inventory when transportation time is significant.

Expense Destination Transfers

Expense destination transfer orders transfer material from an inventory warehouse location directly to the buyer's location for immediate usage. With expense destination transfers, there is no put away transaction in Inventory since the item is expensed, and the destination inventory isn't incremented.

You must indicate whether or not a receipt is required in the destination inventory organization for expense destination transfers going to that destination location. If you select this option, a receipt is required on interorganization expense destination transfer orders between the from and to organizations. If you don't select this option, then the transfer order is considered received and delivered at the time of shipment. This field is available for Expense destination types only.

If the Receipt Required at Expense Destination option is set, you must specify the receipt routing.

Receipt routing options include:

  • Standard: Receive the item first, and then deliver without inspection.

  • Direct: At receipt, deliver this item directly to its location.

  • Inspection: Receive the item first, inspect it, and then deliver the item.