Work in Process Negative Material Return Transactions

We have two types of Work in Process Negative Material Return Transactions.

These include:

  • Work in Process Negative Material Issue

  • Work in Process Negative Material Return

Work in Process Negative Material Issue

The Work in Process Negative Material Issue transaction type enables you to recover byproducts from the manufacturing processes. This transaction provides a way to remove components from a final assembly that must be replaced or upgraded, and places the components back into inventory. The Work in Process Negative Material Issue transaction issues components from jobs and schedules to inventory to fulfill negative material requirements.

Work in Process Negative Material Return

The Work in Process Negative Material Return transaction type reverses the Work in Process Negative Material Issue transaction. This transaction enables components that are put back into inventory using the Work in Process Negative Material Issue, to be issued back to the original rework work order when the original transaction was done in error.

This transaction returns components to jobs and schedules from inventory to fulfill negative material requirements. A WIP negative material return reverses a WIP negative material issue.

Note: If you perform a negative material return transaction to return components that are under lot, serial, or lot and serial number control, you must identify the lots and serial numbers to perform the transaction.