Field Service Administrator (Job Role)

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Role Hierarchy

The Field Service Administrator job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Field Service Administrator
    • Functional Setups

    • Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting

    • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

    • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Field Service Administrator job role.

Duty Role Description

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting

Grants access to the Supply Chain Management web catalog folder.

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Field Service Administrator job role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Guided Journey Responses REST service.

Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Guided Journeys REST service.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Field Service Administrator job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Account Sites Using Web Service

Allows the user to access customer account sites using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Accounts Using Web Service

Allows the user to access customer accounts using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Activities Using Web Service

Allows the user to access activities using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Addresses Using Web Service

Allows the user to access customer addresses using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Asset Hierarchy Using Web Service

Allows the user to access the asset hierarchy using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Billing Types Using Web Service

Allows the user to access billing types using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Create Charges and Estimates

Allows user to create charges and estimates from Manage Work Orders and Charges page

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Debrief Page

Allows user to access standalone debrief page

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Field Parts Inventory Search for Administrator

Allows the administrator to search for field parts inventory in the search page.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Field Parts Inventory Transfer Using Web Service

Allows the user to access fieldPartTransactionActions Type in the field parts inventory Transfer UI using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Field Parts Inventory Using Web Service

Allows the user to access field parts inventory using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Field Parts Reservations Using Web Service

Allows the user to access field parts reservations using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Field Service Administrator Infolets

Allows user to access Field Service Administrator infolets

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Items Using Web Service

Allows the user to access items using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Manual Adjustments Basis Using Web Service

Allows the user to access the manual adjustments basis using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Part Requirements Details for Administrator

Allows the field service administrator to access the Part Requirements details page.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Part Requirements Header for Administrator

Allows the field service administrator to access the Part Requirements header pages.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Parts Requirements Search for Administrator

Allows field service administrator to search for parts requirements.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Parts Shipping Methods Using Web Service

Allows user to access Parts Shipping Methods using a service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Profile Values Using Web Service

Allows user to access Profile option values using a service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Return Parts Using Web Service

Allows user to access Return Parts using a service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Service Activities Using Web Service

Allows the user to access service activities using a service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Service Logistics Landing Page

Allows user to access Service Logistics landing page

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Service Parts Using Web Service

Allows user to access Service Parts using a service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Standalone Parts Ordering Page

Allows user to access standalone parts ordering page

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Stocking Location Details Using Web Service

Allows user to access Stocking location details using a service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Trunk Stock Details Using Web Service

Allows user to access trunk stock details using a service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Work Order Charges Details for Administrator

Allows admins to view and update work order transactions on the Work Order Charges detail page.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Work Order Charges Header for Administrator

Allows admins to create a debrief for a work order on the Work Order Charges header page.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Access Work Order Charges Search

Allows users to search for work orders with an existing debrief header on the Work Order Charges search page.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Create Debrief Transactions using Web Service

Allows the creation of debrief transactions using a service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Create Item Structure

Allows access to create item structure action from regional task pane.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Create Maintenance Work Orders by Service

Allows the creation of work orders using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Create Parts Return List

Allow submission of the process that create Field Service Parts Return List

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Edit Price

Allows user to access price manual adjustment page

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Edit Service Request

Allows editing of a service request

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Edit Service Work Order

Allows editing of a service work order.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Get Project List Using Service

Allows access to REST services list of values for projects, that will be consumed cross pillars.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Get Project Setups

Allows access to list of values for various Projects setup related business objects that will be consumed cross pillars using REST services or BIP reports.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Get Project Tasks Service

Allows access to the Project Tasks LOV REST service to view the list of project tasks.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Import Order

Allows the end user to import orders into the Order Management application.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Auto Processing Rule

Privilege to Manage Auto Processing Rule

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Customer Assets

Allows creation and update of customer assets, related configurations and structures.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Customer Assets by Service

Allows creation and update of customer assets, related configurations and structures.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Estimates

Grant this privilege to users to create, edit, delete, and covert estimates to actuals for Engagement Cloud and third party work orders

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Inventory Reservation and Picks

Allows management of inventory reservations and picks.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Manual Price Adjustments Using Web Service

Allows the user to manage manual price adjustments using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Part Requirement Headers Using Web Service

Allows the user to manage part requirement headers using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Part Requirements Using Web Service

Privilege to Manage Part Requirements Service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Preventive Maintenance of customer owned assets

Allow submission of the process that creates preventive maintenance tasks for customer owned assets

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Pricing Strategies

Allows creation, update, deletion, copy, and viewing of all pricing strategies and child entities.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Resource to Item Mapping

Privilege to Manage Resource to Item Mapping

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Return Routing Rules

Privilege to Manage Return Routing Rules

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Return Routing Rules using Web Service

Privilege to Manage Return Routing Rules Service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Supplier Warranty Contracts by Service

Allow the creation and update of supplier warranty contracts using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Supply Orchestration Web Services

Privilege to allow user to run Supply Orchestration related web services.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Technician Subinventories Using Web Service

Allows user to manage Technician Subinventories using a service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

Allows the assignment of usages to an organization. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization usage assignment.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Allows access to manage trading partner item references for items.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Mapping Internal and External locations Using Web Service

Allows user to access Internal and External locations mapping using a service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Post Charges

Allows users to post charges.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Price Sales Transactions

Allows pricing of sales transactions by Price Request Web service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Receive Parts

Allows user to receive parts into trunk stock

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Report Maintenance Material Transactions by Service

Allows the reporting of a work order material transaction using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Report Maintenance Resource Transactions by Service

Allows the reporting of a work order resource transaction using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Setup Billing Types

Allows user to setup Billing Types

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Setup Service Activities

Allows user to setup Service Activities

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Setup Stocking Location

Allows Service Logistics Administrators to setup Spares Stocking Locations

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Setup Technician

Allows user to setup Technician

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Submit Automatic Posting of debrief charges

Allow submission of the process that automatically posts debrief charges

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Update Maintenance Work Orders by Service

Allows the update of work orders using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Use Location Service

Allows use of the location service

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Use REST Service to Edit Service Request

Allows editing a service request using REST API.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Use REST Service to Edit Service Work Orders

Allows editing of service work orders using REST API.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Use REST Service to View Service Request

Allows viewing of service requests using REST API.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

Use REST Service to View Service Work Orders

Allows viewing of service work orders using REST API.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Customer Assets

Allows query and view of customer assets, related configurations and structures.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Global Inventory Organizations List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing the global set of inventory organizations list of values by web service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Inventory Organizations List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing inventory organizations list of values by web service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Inventory Transaction List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing inventory transaction account, inventory transaction reason, inventory account alias, and inventory transaction type list of values web service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Item Lot and Item Serial List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing lot and serial number list of values using web service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Maintenance Work Orders by Service

Allows the retrieval of work orders using a service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Orders

Allows the end user to view orders.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Planning Supply Availability

Allows viewing of supply availability.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Pricing Strategies

Allows viewing of all pricing strategies and child entities.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Receivables Invoice

View a Receivables invoice.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Requirement Lines

Parts Requirement List View

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Service Request

Allows viewing of service request(s).

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Service Work Order

Allows viewing of service work order(s).

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Subinventory and Locator List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing subinventory and locator list of values using web service.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Subscription Adjustments

Get subscription entitlement information

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Subscription Entitlements

Change the subscription user status

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Technician Portal Work Orders

Allows viewing list of work orders based on search criteria

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Trading Community Organization

Allows exporting, searching, and viewing of organization details such as addresses, classifications, identifiers, and names.

Field Service Administrator

Individual responsible for the administration of field service logistics.

View Trading Community Person

Allows exporting, searching, and viewing of person details such as addresses, classifications, identifiers, and names.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Allows setup task execution and searching of tasks and tasks lists.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Applications Offering

Provides access to the Getting Started page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Allows access to the Assigned Implementation Tasks page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Setup and Maintain Applications

Allows access to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Field Service Administrator job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Cost Organization

A Field Service Administrator can view cost organization for the cost organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: View COGS Event (Data)

Resource: Cost Organization

Cost Organization

A Field Service Administrator can view cost organization for the cost organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: View Cost Organization (Data)

Resource: Cost Organization

Cost Organization

A Field Service Administrator can view cost organization for the cost organizations for which they are authorized

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: View Work Order Costs (Data)

Resource: Cost Organization

Guided Journey Response

A Field Service Administrator can manage guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: Manage Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

Guided Journey Response

A Field Service Administrator can view guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: View Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

Installed Base Asset

A Field Service Administrator can manage installed base asset for all installed base assets

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: Manage Installed Base Asset (Data)

Resource: Installed Base Asset

Inventory Locator

A Field Service Administrator can manage inventory locator for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: Manage Inventory Locator (Data)

Resource: Inventory Locator

Inventory Reservation

A Field Service Administrator can manage inventory reservation for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: Manage Inventory Reservation (Data)

Resource: Inventory Reservation

Item Lot

A Field Service Administrator can manage item lot for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: Manage Item Lot and Item Serial (Data)

Resource: Item Lot

Item Serial

A Field Service Administrator can manage item serial for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: Manage Item Lot and Item Serial (Data)

Resource: Item Serial


A Field Service Administrator can view journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Field Service Administrator can manage location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: Manage Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Field Service Administrator can manage location for all reference data sets in the enterprise

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: Manage Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Maintenance Organization

A Field Service Administrator can manage maintenance organization for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: Manage Maintenance Organization (Data)

Resource: Maintenance Organization


A Field Service Administrator can view project for all the projects the user has access to

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: Get Project List Using Service (Data)

Resource: Project

Receivables Invoice

A Field Service Administrator can view receivables invoice for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Business Unit


A Field Service Administrator can manage subinventory for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: Manage Subinventory (Data)

Resource: Subinventory

Trading Community Customer Account

A Field Service Administrator can view trading community customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Field Service Administrator

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account