Shipping Manager (Job Role)

Monitors and analyzes outstanding and completed work for the warehouse. Manages the outbound shipment process including reviewing and resolving shipping exceptions. Implements shipping standards and process improvements.

Role Hierarchy

The Shipping Manager job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Shipping Manager
    • Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping
      • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

      • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

      • Use REST Service - Locations List of Values

    • Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping
      • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

      • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

      • Use REST Service - Locations List of Values

    • Inventory Management Common Web Service

    • Manage Product Shipment Exception for Pedigree and Serialization

    • Order Pick Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Pick Waves Management
      • Item Inquiry

    • Receiving Management Common Web Service

    • Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping
      • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

      • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

    • Shipment Management
      • Shipment Processing
        • FSCM Load Interface Administration

        • Item Inquiry

    • Shipping Administration
      • Carrier Management

      • Functional Setups

      • Geography Administration

      • Item Inquiry

    • Shipping Agent
      • Inventory Management Common Web Service

      • Manage Product Shipment Transaction for Pedigree and Serialization

      • Receiving Management Common Web Service

      • Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping
        • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

        • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

      • Shipment Processing
        • FSCM Load Interface Administration

        • Item Inquiry

    • Supply Chain Common Web Service

    • Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting

    • Upload data for Shipment Request Import

    • Upload data for Shipping Transaction Import

    • View Serial Destination for Pedigree and Serialization


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Shipping Manager job role.

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring

An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Inventory Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to inventory management common to perform activities such as viewing subinventory, locator, transfer order, lot, and serial number list or values.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Product Shipment Exception for Pedigree and Serialization

Duty role to manage Product Shipment exception.

Manage Product Shipment Transaction for Pedigree and Serialization

Duty role to manage Product Shipment transaction.

Order Pick Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Order Pick transactional information

Pick Waves Management

Manages pick waves including creating and scheduling pick waves. Monitors outbound, replenishment, and requisition pick waves.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping

Ship goods using the responsive shipping application.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting

Grants access to the Supply Chain Management web catalog folder.

Transactional Analysis

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users.

Upload data for Shipment Request Import

Allows import of shipment requests.

Upload data for Shipping Transaction Import

Allows to upload data file to import shipping transaction related data.

View Serial Destination for Pedigree and Serialization

Duty role to view Serial Destination.

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Shipping Manager job role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Guided Journey Responses REST service.

Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Guided Journeys REST service.

Use REST Service - Locations List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Locations LOV REST Service.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Shipping Manager job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Create Carrier

Not Available

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Manage Carrier Contacts

Allows creation and update of carrier contact information including contact name, phone, and E-mail.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Manage Carrier Inbound Tracking

Allows configuration of carrier tracking set up information.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Manage Carrier Ship Methods

Allows creation and update of shipping methods when creating a carrier.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Manage Carriers Descriptive Flexfields

Allow access to define carrier descriptive flexfields.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Manage Carriers Value Sets

Allow access to define carrier value sets.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Manage Carriers by Web Service

Allow managing Carriers by web service.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Manage Transit Time

Allows configuration of transit times to estimate the time required to ship between an origin and destination.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Manage Transit Times Descriptive Flexfields

Allow access to define transit times descriptive flexfields.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Manage Transit Times Value Sets

Allow access to define transit times descriptive flexfields.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Manage Transit Times by Web Service

Allow managing Transit Times by web service.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Search Carrier

Allows searching for a carrier.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

Update Carrier

Allows update of a carrier.

Carrier Management

Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier contacts, and shipping methods.

View Transit Times by Web Service

Allow viewing Transit Times by web service.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Privilege to create outbound shipment requests using the responsive shipping application.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

Get Item Category Rest

Allows query access to item categories through the REST API.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

Get Item Rest

Allows query access to items through the REST API.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

Manage Pick Wave Web Service

Allows access to Web service to process pick waves.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

Manage Trading Community Zones

Allows managing of geographical boundaries for a specific zone use such as Tax or Shipping based on master reference geography hierarchy data.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

View Geography Country Structures Web Service

Allows viewing geography country structures using web service.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

View Inventory Organizations List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing inventory organizations list of values by web service.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

View Pick Release Eligible Order List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view pick release eligible orders list of values using a web service.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

View Pick Slip Grouping Rule List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view pick slip grouping rule list of values web service.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

View Shipment Set List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view shipment set list of values using a web service.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

View Shipping Customer List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view shipping customer list of values using a web service.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

View Shipping Project List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view shipping project list of values using a web service.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

View Shipping Ship Method List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view shipping shipment method list of values using a web service.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

View Subinventory and Locator List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing subinventory and locator list of values using web service.

Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Create outbound shipment request using the responsive shipping application.

View Trading Community Organization

Allows exporting, searching, and viewing of organization details such as addresses, classifications, identifiers, and names.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Privilege to create pick wave using the responsive shipping application.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

Get Item Category Rest

Allows query access to item categories through the REST API.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

Get Item Rest

Allows query access to items through the REST API.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

Manage Pick Wave Web Service

Allows access to Web service to process pick waves.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

Manage Trading Community Zones

Allows managing of geographical boundaries for a specific zone use such as Tax or Shipping based on master reference geography hierarchy data.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

View Geography Country Structures Web Service

Allows viewing geography country structures using web service.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

View Inventory Organizations List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing inventory organizations list of values by web service.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

View Pick Release Eligible Order List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view pick release eligible orders list of values using a web service.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

View Pick Slip Grouping Rule List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view pick slip grouping rule list of values web service.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

View Shipment Set List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view shipment set list of values using a web service.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

View Shipping Customer List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view shipping customer list of values using a web service.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

View Shipping Project List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view shipping project list of values using a web service.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

View Shipping Ship Method List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view shipping shipment method list of values using a web service.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

View Subinventory and Locator List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing subinventory and locator list of values using web service.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

View Trading Community Organization

Allows exporting, searching, and viewing of organization details such as addresses, classifications, identifiers, and names.

Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Create pick waves using the responsive shipping application.

View Transportation Shipment List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view transportation shipment list of values using a web service.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

Allow financials and supply chain users to access the methods associated with the Integration Rest Service.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load File to Interface

Allows file data load to interface tables

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load Interface File for Import

Allows a user to load interface file for import

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Manage File Import and Export

Privilege to manage import and export of files.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Transfer File

Allows management of file transfer from server

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Allows setup task execution and searching of tasks and tasks lists.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Applications Offering

Provides access to the Getting Started page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Allows access to the Assigned Implementation Tasks page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Setup and Maintain Applications

Allows access to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Export Import Territory Geography

Not Available

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Manage Trading Community Geography

Allows managing of geographic entities, such as country, state, province, and city. Allows the managing of geography hierarchy structure and validations.

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Manage Trading Community Geography Lookups

Allows reviewing and defining of lookup values that provide choices related to geographies, such as address validation methods.

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Run CRM Export Process

This privilege would grant a user the ability to schedule CRM object to export to a file

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Run File Import Scheduler

Allows scheduling and monitoring the process that schedules file import activities.

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Set Up CRM Objects for Export

This privilege would grant a user the ability to register CRM objects for Export

Geography Administration

Grants privileges to set up geographies

Set Up File Import Activity

Allows creating and maintaining import activities that contain process criteria, file mapping, and schedule to import external files containing business objects, such as customers and contacts, into staging tables.

Inventory Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to inventory management common to perform activities such as viewing subinventory, locator, transfer order, lot, and serial number list or values.

Generate Item Lot by Web Service

Allows generation of lots using web service.

Inventory Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to inventory management common to perform activities such as viewing subinventory, locator, transfer order, lot, and serial number list or values.

Generate Item Serial by Web Service

Allows generation of serial numbers using web service.

Inventory Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to inventory management common to perform activities such as viewing subinventory, locator, transfer order, lot, and serial number list or values.

Manage Packing Unit Web Service

Allows management of inventory packing unit details using a web service.

Inventory Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to inventory management common to perform activities such as viewing subinventory, locator, transfer order, lot, and serial number list or values.

View ABC Classification List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view ABC assignment groups, ABC classification sets, and ABC classes list of values by web service.

Inventory Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to inventory management common to perform activities such as viewing subinventory, locator, transfer order, lot, and serial number list or values.

View Country of Origin List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing country of origin list of values using web service.

Inventory Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to inventory management common to perform activities such as viewing subinventory, locator, transfer order, lot, and serial number list or values.

View Inventory Transaction List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing inventory transaction account, inventory transaction reason, inventory account alias, and inventory transaction type list of values web service.

Inventory Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to inventory management common to perform activities such as viewing subinventory, locator, transfer order, lot, and serial number list or values.

View Item Lot and Item Serial List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing lot and serial number list of values using web service.

Inventory Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to inventory management common to perform activities such as viewing subinventory, locator, transfer order, lot, and serial number list or values.

View Owning Party Site List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing owning party list of values using web service.

Inventory Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to inventory management common to perform activities such as viewing subinventory, locator, transfer order, lot, and serial number list or values.

View Subinventory and Locator List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing subinventory and locator list of values using web service.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

GET Product Management Index REST

Allows access to view indexed attributes.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Get Search View REST

Allows query of search views.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Allows access to view and manage item attachments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Catalog

Allows access to view and manage item catalogs including categories and category hierarchies.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Global Search

Allows access to search for items using secure enterprise search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Product Management Search

Allows access to view and edit Product Management Search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Allows access to manage trading partner item references for items.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Unit of Measure

Allows configuration of UOMs, UOM classes, and definition of standard, interclass, and intraclass UOM conversions.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item

Allows access to product dashboard.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Organization Association

Allows access to view item organization assignments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Relationship

Allows access to view item relationships.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Product Management Search

Allows access to view Product Management Search.

Manage Product Shipment Exception for Pedigree and Serialization

Duty role to manage Product Shipment exception.

Clear Product Shipment Exception for Pedigree and Serialization

Privilege to change the error status on a shipment transaction so that the system will no longer consider the transaction as an exception.

Manage Product Shipment Exception for Pedigree and Serialization

Duty role to manage Product Shipment exception.

Reprocess Product Shipment Transaction for Pedigree and Serialization

Privilege to reprocess the product shipment transaction after the exceptions for the transaction have been corrected..

Manage Product Shipment Transaction for Pedigree and Serialization

Duty role to manage Product Shipment transaction.

Add Product Shipment Transaction for Pedigree and Serialization

Privilege to record a product shipment transaction which captures and records shipment transactions for OPSM enabled items from the transactional system.

Manage Product Shipment Transaction for Pedigree and Serialization

Duty role to manage Product Shipment transaction.

Create Pedigree for Pedigree and Serialization

Privilege to create a pedigree XML document that contains information about the distribution and transfer of ownership of a prescription drug..

Manage Product Shipment Transaction for Pedigree and Serialization

Duty role to manage Product Shipment transaction.

Edit Product Shipment Transaction for Pedigree and Serialization

Privilege to edit a product shipment transaction.

Manage Product Shipment Transaction for Pedigree and Serialization

Duty role to manage Product Shipment transaction.

Print Pedigree for Pedigree and Serialization

Privilege to print the pedigree in human readable format utilizing various templates that have been setup in BI Publisher.

Pick Waves Management

Manages pick waves including creating and scheduling pick waves. Monitors outbound, replenishment, and requisition pick waves.

Create Pick Wave

Allows creation of pick waves.

Pick Waves Management

Manages pick waves including creating and scheduling pick waves. Monitors outbound, replenishment, and requisition pick waves.

Manage Pick Wave Web Service

Allows access to Web service to process pick waves.

Pick Waves Management

Manages pick waves including creating and scheduling pick waves. Monitors outbound, replenishment, and requisition pick waves.

Monitor Pick Wave Work Area

Allows access to the pick waves work area to review summary information, outstanding, and completed picks.

Pick Waves Management

Manages pick waves including creating and scheduling pick waves. Monitors outbound, replenishment, and requisition pick waves.

Schedule Pick Wave

Allows submission of the schedule pick wave process.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

Perform Receiving Receipt Transaction by Web Service

Allows performing receipt transaction, inspecting receipt line, returning receipt line, correcting receipt line, and viewing receipt inspection status list of values using web service.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

View Advance Shipment Notice List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing advance shipment notice and advance shipment notice line list of values by web service.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

View Inbound Shipment Item Lot and Item Serial List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing inbound shipment lot and serial number list of values using web service.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

View Inbound Shipment List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing inbound shipment and inbound shipment line list of values by web service.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

View Item Lot and Item Serial to Issue List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing lot and serial numbers to issue list of values by web service.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

View Item Lot and Item Serial to Receive List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing lot and serial numbers to receive list of values by web service.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

View Item Lot and Item Serial to Return List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing lot and serial numbers to return list of values by web service.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

View Purchase Order to Receive List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing purchase order, purchase order line, and purchase order schedule to receive list of values by web service.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

View Receiving Option by Web Service

Allows viewing receiving parameters using web service.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

View Return Material Authorization List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing return material authorization and return material authorization line list of values by web service.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

View Return Material Authorization Restricted Lot and Serial List of Values by Web Service

Allows viewing return material authorization restricted lot and serial number list of values using web service.

Receiving Management Common Web Service

Provides web service access to receiving common to perform activities such as viewing receiving parameters, inbound shipment, and advance shipment notice list of values.

View Transfer Order List of Values to Receive by Web Service

Allows viewing transfer order to receive list of values by web service.

Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping

Ship goods using the responsive shipping application.

Get Item Rest

Allows query access to items through the REST API.

Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping

Ship goods using the responsive shipping application.

Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping

Allows shipment of goods using the responsive shipping application.

Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping

Ship goods using the responsive shipping application.

View Default Packing Configuration List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view default packing configurations list of values using a web service.

Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping

Ship goods using the responsive shipping application.

View Inventory Organizations List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing inventory organizations list of values by web service.

Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping

Ship goods using the responsive shipping application.

View Shipping Packing Unit List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view shipping packing unit list of values using a web service.

Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping

Ship goods using the responsive shipping application.

View Shipping Ship Method List of Values Web Service

Privilege to view shipping shipment method list of values using a web service.

Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping

Ship goods using the responsive shipping application.

View Units Of Measure List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing units of measure list of values by web service.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Check Shipment Lines for Trade Compliance

Allows submission of the check shipment lines for trade compliance process.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Close Shipment

Allows submission of the close shipment process.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Confirm Shipment

Allows submission of the ship confirm process.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Create Outbound Shipment Request

Allows creation of outbound shipment request.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Create Shipment Process

Allows submission of create shipment process.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Generate Shipment Request

Allows generation of shipment request.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Manage Shipment Interface

Allows submission of inventory interface, shipment advice, and advance shipment notice.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Manage Shipment Message Interface

Allows upload of shipment messages.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Manage Shipment Transaction Corrections

Allows correction of shipment confirmation transactions.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Monitor Shipment Analytics

Allows access to shipment analytics within the shipments work area. Analytics include summary information related to shipment and shipment line status.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Perform Shipment Transaction

Allows users to perform shipment transactions.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Process Fulfillment Response

Allows processing of the fulfillment system response staged in the fulfillment response interface tables.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Purge Shipment Exceptions

Privilege to purge shipment exceptions.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Purge Shipment Interface

Privilege to purge shipment interface.

Shipment Management

Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse. Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.

Review Shipping Exception

Allows review and resolution of shipping exceptions.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Access Shipping Custom Scheduled Processes

Privilege to access shipping custom scheduled processes.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Add Electronic Signatures

Allows inline addition of electronic signatures while creating or editing transactions or setups.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Apply Document Job Set Rules and Output Preferences

Privilege to apply document job set rules and output preferences.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Attach Shipping Documents to Shipment

Privilege to attach shipping documents to a shipment.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Manage Scheduled Job Definition

Manage the definition of a Scheduled Job

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Manage Shipment

Allows management of shipments and shipment lines.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Manage Shipment Note

Allows management of notes for shipments, shipment lines, and packing units.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Manage Shipment Web Service

Allows access to Web service to manage shipments.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Manage Shipments and Shipment Lines

Allows access to manage shipments and manage shipment lines pages.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Monitor Shipment Work Area

Allows access to the shipments work area. The shipments work area is the central navigation point to all shipment related tasks.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Pack Shipment

Allows submission of pack shipment and shipment lines process.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Print Shipping Reports

Allows printing of shipping reports including bill of lading, commercial invoice, mailing label, and packing slip reports.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Process Fulfillment Response

Allows processing of the fulfillment system response staged in the fulfillment response interface tables.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Process Shipment Request Web Service

Allows access to Web service to process shipment requests.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Receive Manifest Response

Allows receipt of manifest responses from carrier manifesting systems.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Receive Shipment Request

Allows receipt of shipment requests.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Search Shipment Line Web Service

Allows access to Web service to search shipment lines.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Send Manifest Request

Allows sending manifest requests to carrier manifesting systems.

Shipment Processing

Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.

Send Shipment Advice

Allows sending shipment advice and intermediate shipment status updates.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Access Shipping Custom Scheduled Processes

Privilege to access shipping custom scheduled processes.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Administer Orchestration Infrastructure Web Service Sourcing Rule

Allows creation and edit of external orchestration infrastructure interface connectors, which are conduits between order orchestration and external fulfillment systems.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Packing Unit Item Assignment

Allows creation of default packing configurations to automatically pack items into packing units.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Pick Sequence Rule

Allows configuration of release sequence rules to specify the sequence for releasing order lines. Release sequence rules are used with pick wave release rules.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Pick Wave Release Rule

Allows configuration of pick wave release rules to specify frequently used demand selection criteria and pick release options.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Planning Instance

Allows management of planning source system definitions and related parameters.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Ship Confirm Rule

Allows configuration of ship confirm rules to define frequently used sets of ship confirm options used for confirming shipments.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Shipping Cost Type

Allows configuration of shipping cost types to record and categorize shipping costs.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Shipping Document Job Set Rules

Privilege to manage shipping document job set rules.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Shipping Document Output Preferences

Privilege to manage shipping document output preferences.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Shipping Exception

Allows configuration of shipping exceptions to record with shipments, lines, and packing units.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Shipping Organization Parameter

Allows configuration of shipping parameters to specify default shipping options for the organization.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Trading Community Original System

Allows the update of original system information.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Trading Community Zone for Shipping

Allows configuration of shipping zones representing groupings of geographies.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Trading Community Zones

Allows managing of geographical boundaries for a specific zone use such as Tax or Shipping based on master reference geography hierarchy data.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Transit Time

Allows configuration of transit times to estimate the time required to ship between an origin and destination.

Shipping Administration

Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Shipping.

Manage Transportation Schedule

Allows configuration of transportation schedules to validate that shipments are scheduled to ship and arrive on a valid business day.

Shipping Agent

Records and processes outbound shipments including packing and labeling. Ensures that orders are correctly filled and captures freight, handling, and value service charges. Records weight, volume, and attributes associated with the shipment.

Monitor Inventory Management Work Area

Allows access to the inventory management work area.

Shipping Agent

Records and processes outbound shipments including packing and labeling. Ensures that orders are correctly filled and captures freight, handling, and value service charges. Records weight, volume, and attributes associated with the shipment.

Print Pick Slip Report

Allows printing the pick slip report. This report prints all picking line details.

Shipping Manager

Monitors and analyzes outstanding and completed work for the warehouse. Manages the outbound shipment process including reviewing and resolving shipping exceptions. Implements shipping standards and process improvements.

Monitor Inventory Management Work Area

Allows access to the inventory management work area.

Shipping Manager

Monitors and analyzes outstanding and completed work for the warehouse. Manages the outbound shipment process including reviewing and resolving shipping exceptions. Implements shipping standards and process improvements.

Print Pick Slip Report

Allows printing the pick slip report. This report prints all picking line details.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

Manage Default Expenditure Types by Web Service

Allows access to Manage Default Expenditure Types by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

Manage Project Attribute Defaults by Web Service

Allows access to Manage Project Attribute Defaults by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

Manage Project Type Cost Exclusions by Web Service

Allows access to Manage Project Type Cost Exclusions by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

Manage Units Of Measure by Web Service

Allow managing units of measure by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

View Carriers List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing carriers list of values by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

View Inventory Organization Parameters List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing inventory organization parameters list of values by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

View Inventory Organizations List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing inventory organizations list of values by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

View Plant Organizations List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing plant organizations list of values by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

View Plant Parameters List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing plant parameters list of values by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

View Schedules by Web Service

Allow viewing schedules by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

View Transit Times List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing Transit Times list of values by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

View Unit Of Measure Conversion List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing unit of measure conversion list of values by web service.

Supply Chain Common Web Service

Provides web service access to supply chain common to perform activities such as viewing inventory organizations, plant parameters, carriers and units of measure list of values.

View Units Of Measure List of Values by Web Service

Allow viewing units of measure list of values by web service.

View Serial Destination for Pedigree and Serialization

Duty role to view Serial Destination.

View Serial Destination for Pedigree and Serialization

Privilege to view serial destination information that is used to transmit serials to an external system or database.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Shipping Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Attachment Category

A Shipping Manager can delete application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Attachment Category

A Shipping Manager can read application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Application Attachment Category

A Shipping Manager can update application attachment for all miscelleneous category attachments data

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment Category

Country Structure File Import Activity

A Shipping Manager can view country structure file import activity object type for all country structure file import activities of object type country structure

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Country Structure File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Country Structure File Import Activity

Country Structure File Import Mapping

A Shipping Manager can view country structure file import mapping object type for all country structure file import mappings of object type country structure

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Country Structure File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Country Structure File Import Mapping

Country Structure File Import Object

A Shipping Manager can view country structure file import object type for all country structure file import objects of object type country structure

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Country Structure File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Country Structure File Import Object

File Export Batch

A Shipping Manager can view file export batch for all export batches

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View File Export Batch (Data)

Resource: File Export Batch

File Export Object

A Shipping Manager can manage export unit test for all export unit test objects

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: Manage Export Unit Test (Data)

Resource: File Export Object

File Import Activity

A Shipping Manager can view standard file import activity object type for all standard file import activities that are accessible for geography administration duty

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Standard File Import Activity Object Type

Resource: File Import Activity

File Import Mapping

A Shipping Manager can view standard file import mapping object type for all standard file import maps that are accessible for geography administration duty

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Standard File Import Mapping Object Type

Resource: File Import Mapping

Geography File Import Activity

A Shipping Manager can view geography file import activity object type for all geography file import activities of object type geography

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Geography File Import Activity Object Type (Data)

Resource: Geography File Import Activity

Geography File Import Mapping

A Shipping Manager can view geography file import mapping object type for all geography file import mappings of object type geography

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Geography File Import Mapping Object Type (Data)

Resource: Geography File Import Mapping

Geography File Import Object

A Shipping Manager can view geography file import object type for all geography file import objects of object type geography

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Geography File Import Object Type (Data)

Resource: Geography File Import Object

Guided Journey Response

A Shipping Manager can manage guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: Manage Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

Guided Journey Response

A Shipping Manager can view guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: View Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

Inventory Organization Parameter

A Shipping Manager can manage item and inventory organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Privilege: Manage Item and Inventory Organization Parameter (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Inventory Organization Parameter

A Shipping Manager can manage item and inventory organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Privilege: Manage Item and Inventory Organization Parameter (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Inventory Organization Parameter

A Shipping Manager can manage item and inventory organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping

Privilege: Manage Item and Inventory Organization Parameter (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter


A Shipping Manager can view journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Shipping Manager can choose location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Use REST Service - Locations List of Values

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Packing Hierarchy

A Shipping Manager can manage packing hierarchy for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Shipping Manager

Privilege: Manage Packing Unit (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Packing Hierarchy

A Shipping Manager can manage packing unit for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Inventory Management Common Web Service

Privilege: Manage Packing Unit (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Packing Hierarchy

A Shipping Manager can manage packing unit for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Shipping Agent

Privilege: Manage Packing Unit (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Packing Unit Item Assignment

A Shipping Manager can manage packing unit item assignment for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Shipping Administration

Privilege: Manage Packing Unit Item Assignment (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Packing Unit Note

A Shipping Manager can manage packing unit note where they can view, update, and delete internal notes for packing units

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Packing Unit Note (Data)

Resource: Packing Unit Note

Pick Wave

A Shipping Manager can manage pick wave for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Privilege: Manage Pick Wave (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Pick Wave

A Shipping Manager can manage pick wave for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Privilege: Manage Pick Wave (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Pick Wave

A Shipping Manager can manage pick wave for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: Manage Pick Wave (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Pick Wave

A Shipping Manager can manage pick wave for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Shipping Administration

Privilege: Manage Pick Wave (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Public Person

A Shipping Manager can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Shipment Management

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Shipping Manager can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Shipping Manager can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Shipping Agent

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Shipping Manager can choose public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Shipping Manager

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Sales Objects

A Shipping Manager can view standard file import export object type for all standard file import export objects that are accessible for geography administration duty

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Standard File Import Export Object Type

Resource: Sales Objects


A Shipping Manager can manage shipment for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Create Outbound Shipment Request Using Responsive Shipping

Privilege: Manage Shipment (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter


A Shipping Manager can manage shipment for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Create Pick Wave Using Responsive Shipping

Privilege: Manage Shipment (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter


A Shipping Manager can manage shipment for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Ship Goods Using Responsive Shipping

Privilege: Manage Shipment (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter


A Shipping Manager can manage shipment for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Shipment Management

Privilege: Manage Shipment (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter


A Shipping Manager can manage shipment for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Shipment (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Shipment Line Note

A Shipping Manager can manage shipment line note where they can view, update, and delete internal notes for shipment lines

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Shipment Line Note (Data)

Resource: Shipment Line Note

Shipment Note

A Shipping Manager can manage shipment note where they can view, update, and delete internal notes for shipments

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Shipment Note (Data)

Resource: Shipment Note

Shipping Organization Parameter

A Shipping Manager can manage shipping organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Shipping Administration

Privilege: Manage Shipping Organization Parameter (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Territory Geography Export Object

A Shipping Manager can view territory geography export object for all territory geography export objects

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Territory Geography Export Object (Data)

Resource: Territory Geography Export Object

Territory Geography File Import

A Shipping Manager can view territory geography file import for all territory geography file imports of object type territory_geographies

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Territory Geography File Import (Data)

Resource: Territory Geography File Import

Territory Geography File Import Mapping

A Shipping Manager can view territory geography file import mapping for all territory geography file import mappings of object type territory_geographies

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Territory Geography File Import Mapping (Data)

Resource: Territory Geography File Import Mapping

Territory Geography File Import Metadata

A Shipping Manager can view territory geography file import metadata for all territory geography file import metadata of object type territory_geographies

Role: Geography Administration

Privilege: View Territory Geography File Import Metadata

Resource: Territory Geography File Import Metadata

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party

A Shipping Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Shipping Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party

A Shipping Manager can view trading community contact for all trading community persons in the enterprise except contacts created by partners.

Role: Carrier Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Shipping Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Shipping Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Shipping Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Shipping Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Shipping Manager can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Shipping Manager can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Pick Waves Management

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Shipping Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Shipment Processing

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Shipping Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Carrier Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship