Supply Chain Collaboration Planner (Job Role)

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

Role Hierarchy

The Supply Chain Collaboration Planner job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Supply Chain Collaboration Planner
    • Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Supply Chain Collaboration Planner job role.

Duty Role Description

Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting

Grants access to the Supply Chain Management web catalog folder.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Supply Chain Collaboration Planner job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

Commit to Order Forecasts as Enterprise User

Allows forecast commit to order forecasts on behalf of the supplier.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

Commit to Order Forecasts by Web Service

Allows forecast commit to order forecasts using the Commit Response web service.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

Edit Forecasts as Enterprise User

Allows a collaboration planner to edit forecasts.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

Execute Order Forecast Orchestration Web Services

Allows execution of order forecast orchestration services.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

Invoke Collaboration Message Inbound Service

Allow access to invoke inbound service.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

Manage Customer Demand as Enterprise User

Allows management of customer demand as an enterprise user.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

Manage Scheduled Job Definition

Manage the definition of a Scheduled Job

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

Manage Supplier On-Hand Quantities as Enterprise User

Allows an enterprise user to manage supplier on-hand quantities on behalf of the supplier.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

Purge Historical Collaboration Records

Allows purging of historical collaboration records.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

Schedule Order Forecast Decomposition

Allows execution of the scheduled process that decomposes the order forecast interface.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

View Customer Demand as Enterprise User

Allows visibility to customer demand as an enterprise user.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

View Order Forecasts

Allows visibility into order forecast details in the work area.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

View Order Forecasts by Web Service

Allows receipt of order forecasts using the Get Forecasts Web Service.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

View Plan to Produce Infolet Page

Allows access to the home experience page that contains infolets for the Plan to Produce process area.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

View Purchase Order

Allows a user to review a purchase order.

Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Reviews order forecasts published to the trading partner and negotiates with the trading partner to ensure that forecast commits align with the expectations of the company's buyers and supply chain planners.

View Supply Chain Collaboration Work Area

Allows navigation to the Supply Chain Collaboration work area and visibility into the supply planning-specific infolet content that is available.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Supply Chain Collaboration Planner job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Purchasing Document Header

A Supply Chain Collaboration Planner can view purchasing document header for all purchase orders that are referenced in collaboration order forecasts.

Role: Supply Chain Collaboration Planner

Privilege: View Purchasing Document Header Transactional (Data)

Resource: Purchasing Document Header