Catalog Details

You can view and edit a catalog on the Edit Catalog page when you have the appropriate permissions.

The following parts of the Edit Catalog page provide important capabilities for managing and editing catalogs:

  • Catalog header region

  • Catalog details tab

  • Category hierarchy tab

Catalog Header Region

The header region for the Edit Catalog page contains the catalog name and description, the selection of the default category and the start and end date for the catalog.

You can change the default category for a catalog so that the category is used for the item creation process, based on the values of attributes for the item. The choice of default category also enables other Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications to assign items to a category.

You can modify the start and end dates for a category as you update a catalog in order to control when the category is used.

You can revise or reclassify the category to reflect shifting relationships within the category hierarchy.

Catalog Details Tab

The Details tab contains:

  • The configuration attributes for the catalog, which control the runtime behavior for the catalog.

  • The sharing attributes for the catalog, which control the source catalog that will be used for sharing from and what content can be shared.

  • The additional information for the catalog, which contains the descriptive flexfields that support the catalog metadata.

Category Hierarchy Tab

The Category Hierarchy tab contains the category hierarchy region, in which the category hierarchy can be created and maintained. In addition, items can be assigned, the usage of the category in other catalogs can be viewed, and the attributes for the category and catalog category association can be edited.