Edit a Change Order

You can monitor the workflow and modify the change order using the Edit Change Order page.

You can access the Edit Change Order page in the following ways:

  • When you create a new change order.

  • When you select a change order from the search results on the Manage Change Order page and select Edit from the Actions menu.

  • When you access a change order in view mode by clicking the change order link in the search results on the Manage Change Order page, then select Edit from the change order detail page.

Tasks You can Perform from the Edit Change Order page

This table lists the tasks you can perform depending on the status of the change order.

If Status is

Tasks you can perform

Draft, Open

Modify header details such as priority and reason and add or remove attachments.

Draft, Open

Modify the current status of change order tasks.

All statuses

Monitor the current status of change order tasks.

Draft, Open

Modify line details and access item pages for further change

All statuses

Monitor the current status of the change order in the workflow.

All statuses

Review the actions that have been performed on the change.

Additionally, you can perform the following:
  • You can assign an item to a child organization through a change order. Such assignments always happen only in the master organization change order context. However, if you opt in to the feature Process Child Organization Item Changes and Master Organization Item Approvals Concurrently, you can process an item in both child and master organizations concurrently.

  • From a master organization, assign an item to a child organization, add the change to a change order, and route it for approval. This item can then be enabled in the child organization on a specified date.

  • From a master organization you can also create a change order, add a revised item, and make the item organization assignment in a change order context.

  • By selecting the appropriate batch-level change order options, you can also make item organization assignments through batches and add them to a change order. But, if change order required rules are triggered for such assignments, they're carried through a change order even if batch options aren't specifically set.

  • You can also use change services to add item organization assignments to a change order.

Process Child and Master Organization Item Approvals Concurrently

You can use a commercialization change order to enrich child organization items while a new item request is in progress for the master organization item. You can initiate the commercialization workflow processes without waiting for the new item request process to complete.

This feature is applicable only if your administrator has opted in for the feature Process Child Organization Item Changes and Master Organization Item Approvals Concurrently.

Here are some details on processing child and master organization items concurrently:

  • When you add an unapproved child organization item to a change order, the item's Approval Status will be based on the completion status of the new item request for the master organization.
    • If the change is completed but the new item request isn't completed, the Approval Status of the child item is set to Approved when the new item request is completed.
    • If the change isn't completed before the new item request is completed, the approval status of the child item is set to Change Order in Progress until the change order is completed. Once the change is completed, the approval status will change to Approved.
  • Impact on configured rules:
    • If the new item request for the master organization item is completed before the change order for the child organization item is approved, rules that are based on child organization approval status (Status = Approved) won't be triggered. It's recommended that you use change order entry and exit criteria to validate child item data. You must reconfigure entry and exit criteria to validate data on child organization items that are approved after the master organization items.
    • You can use configured rules to validate child organization item approval status (Status= ‘Change Order in Progress’). Rule-related errors are recorded in the action log of the new item request.
  • If you remove an unapproved child organization item from a pending change order, either by deleting or canceling the change order, then the child item must be added to a new change order to route it for approval. Once the child organization item has been added to a change order, it can't be approved through the new item request process.
  • If an unapproved child organization item is on multiple change orders, the first child organization change order that becomes complete after the master organization new item request is complete will set the child organization item to Approved.
  • You can’t add unapproved items to a change order through import.
  • If you haven’t added an unapproved child organization item to a change order, then the new item request for the master organization item will approve both the master and child items.
  • You can't add unapproved master organization items to a change order.