How to Manage Supplier Access

To provide supplier access to an item, navigate to the Manage Items page, select an item, and open the Edit Item page.

Select the Item People tab, where you can add, delete, and modify the groups and persons that can act upon the item, and the actions available to each group or person.

Item grants to supplier users can be managed at the item level. This gives you granular control in providing supplier users with access to one or more items, on an ad-hoc basis.

Grants to supplier users can also be maintained at the item class level (as instance set level grants), if supplier users need access to all items within an item class.

Note: Since the security actions defined for an item class are inherited by the items in the item class, those actions cannot be modified at the item level. Security actions defined for an item class are defined in the Setup and Maintenance work area, using the Manage Item Classes task, where you select item class people and actions on the Security tab for an item class.