How You Purge Automatically Generated Import Maps

While mass editing items, a few import maps are generated automatically. These import maps are internal and not displayed on the Manage Import Maps page.

It isn't required to delete these import maps because they will be reused internally. You must delete them only if there are issues with a specific smart spreadsheet that was used for mass editing the items. You can delete these maps using the Upgrade Product Management Data scheduled process.

Note: Use the Upgrade Product Management Data scheduled process with caution because it can delete all the automatically generated import maps that were created while mass editing items.

Perform these steps to delete the automatically generated import maps:

  1. From the Navigator link, go to Tools and click the Scheduled Process link.

  2. Click Schedule New Process in the Search Result table header.

  3. In the Schedule New Process dialog, select the following:

    • Type: Job

    • Name: Upgrade Product Management Data

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Process Details dialog, enter the following parameters:

    • Upgrade Process: Execution

    • Functional Area: Import Maps

    • Feature: Delete automatically generated import maps

    • Parameter 1: Enter the name of the import map that must be deleted. You can get the name of the import map from the smart spreadsheet. To delete all the automatically generated import maps of all users, specify Parameter 1 as ALL.

      If Parameter 1 is left blank, then none of the automatically generated import maps will be deleted. If you specify the name of an import map that wasn't generated automatically, then that import map won't be deleted. The scheduled process only deletes automatically generated import maps.

  6. Click Submit to start the process.

  7. Monitor the status of this scheduled process by entering the process ID in the Search region.