Imported Items in Item Batches

The Completed tab displays all items that are imported into the Oracle Product Hub.

Imported Item Details

Besides the detail displayed on each line of the imported item table, you can access more details on item components as follows:

  • New Item Request: Click on the new item request name to go to the New Item Request summary page.

  • Change Order: Click on the change order name to go to the Change Order summary page.

Item Import Status

Each imported item can have one of the following import statuses:

  • Success: The item and all its related entities were imported successfully.

  • Partial: The Item was imported successfully, but some of its entities had errors during import.

  • Error: The item itself had errors during import. These items will display on the Error tab.

Highlight an item with an import status of Partial or Error to display details.

Updating Imported Items with Errors

You can modify the items that appear on the Error tab by selecting Export from the Action menu or clicking the Manage in Spreadsheet icon. Correct the data and click Upload in the spreadsheet to apply your changes.