Item and Operation Sequence

Item sequence indicates the sequence of an item on a structure.

Item Sequence

You can use item sequence to sort components on reports and when choosing options from a model bill in Oracle Fusion Cloud Order Management. The default item sequence value includes value of the highest existing component item sequence plus the value of the BOM: Component Item Sequence Increment profile option. If this profile option isn't set, the default is 10. You can override or change this number.

Operation Sequence

You can use the Routings form to assign operations to routings. Each operation must have a sequence number called the Operation Sequence Number.

On a structure, the operation sequence indicates the order in which you perform operations on a routing. You can configure the Operation Sequence Numbers to be generated automatically by using a user-defined increment factor. A profile must be created where you can indicate how much the Operation Sequence Number will increment every time a new operation is generated. You can change the generated value, if necessary, in the Routings form. Valid values range from 1 to 9999999.

You can assign any component to any operation on the routing, including all components to the same operation (such as the first operation). The planning process assigns material requirement dates based on the operations to which you assign each component.

You can define structures for items with or without routings. If you use routings, you can either define the structure first or the routing first.

With component-to-operation assignments, you can schedule and issue component material to the operation that requires the component on the exact requirement date. You can also assign the same component on the structure to different operations on the routing, with different usage quantities for each assignment.

If no routing exists for the item, all components default to operation sequence 1. You can't change this value until you define a routing for the item. After you define the routing, you can update your structure with routing operations, if you want specific component-to-operation assignments.

If you define the routing before you define a structure, assign components to valid routing operations or operation sequence 1 when you define the structure. If you define an alternate routing and then define the alternate structure, you can assign components to the alternate routing operations. If you define an alternate structure and no alternate routing exists, you can assign components to the primary routing operations.