Propagate Changes for Each Organization

You can use propagation in commercialization change orders to implement item structure changes automatically across multiple organizations, instead of manually creating change orders for each organization. Here's an example:

Let's say that you have different models of a mobile phone manufactured across locations. You want the microphone structure to be similar across all models. Then you can create a propagation rule so that when you create a change order on the microphone in your central R&D lab, similar change orders with redlines are automatically created across all manufacturing locations.

How changes are propagated across organizations is configured by your administrator in the change type setup.

Prerequisites and Considerations

Before you initiate propagation, here are the prerequisites and considerations:

  • Make sure that the structure components you want to propagate (from source organization) are also available in target organizations. Otherwise, an error message appears.

  • Propagation is applicable only for commercialization change orders, and you can only propagate item structure changes.

  • Both source and target organization components must be in definition organization.

    Note: To perform the procedures in this topic, it's recommended to use Simplified Change Management Interface.

How You Propagate Changes

If your administrator has configured the change type to autopropagate, you need not initiate propagation. When your change order reaches the Scheduled status, duplicate change orders in Open status are created.

If your administrator hasn't configured autopropagate, here's how you propagate changes:

  1. Navigate to the Affected Objects tab on the change order and complete the item structure changes.

  2. Review and approve the change order.

  3. When the change order reaches Scheduled status, click Propagation Organizations tab.

  4. Select the organization in which you want to initiate propagation and click Propagate.

You can also propagate changes from search results. Here's how:

  1. On the Manage Search Results, search for commercialization change orders in the scheduled status.

  2. Select change orders that are already configured for propagation.

  3. Click Actions > Propagate.

View Propagation Status

When your change order reaches the Scheduled status, a batch job is created to propagate changes across target organizations. Here's how you view the propagation status:

  1. Open the change order in your source organization.

  2. Click Propagation Organizations tab on the change order and click the Propagation Details icon.

    Propagation Details icon: Click this icon to view additional details in a new window. To view any error messages, use the horizontal scroll bar in the new window.

    Propagation Status icon: Click this icon to view the schedule process ID and the log file.

Exclude Components from Propagation

Depending on your business needs, you can exclude items from propagation. Here are such scenarios:

  • As part of localization of item structures, your organization decides to use a component which is different from the one in source organization.

  • The component no longer exists in your target organization. So you decide to use a different one.

Here's how you exclude components

  1. Open the change order in your source organization.

  2. Click Propagation Organizations tab on the change order and click the Propagation Details icon.

  3. In the Propagation Details window, select the item that you want to exclude and click Exclude.