Relationships in Item Batches

On the Relationships tab, review the relationships being imported for each of the items on the In Progress tab (if applicable).

Depending on the data, confirmed item relationships can be organized in up to four areas:

  • Related items

  • Trading partner items

  • Global Trade Identification Number cross-references

  • Cross-references

Related Items

You can review confirmed relationships based on predefined and user-defined relationship types, such as superseded items, substitutes, and complimentary items. Additional item attributes further qualify the relationship and effectivity dates indicate when these relationships are phased in and out.

Trading Partner Items

You can review the relationship of the confirmed item with the trading partner items.

GTIN Cross-References

GTIN cross-references relate confirmed items using the industry standard, enabling tracking and identification of trading partner items.


Cross references identifies items that have been consolidated from multiple source systems into a single master item.