Search the Work Area (Classic)

In the Product Information Management work area, you can search for important entities in managing product information.

The product information entities that you can search for are:

  • Items

  • Trading partner items

  • Item relationships

  • Catalogs

  • Categories

  • New item requests

  • Change orders

  • Item batches

  • User

You can search for these entities in two ways:

  • Task-based search

  • Quick search

Task-Based Search

On the page for managing each of the product information entities, you can search for those entities with a comprehensive set of criteria:

  1. Click the Tasks icon in the panel drawer of the Product Information Management work area, then select the management task for the desired entities, such as Manage Items or Manage Change Orders.

  2. Enter your search terms in the provided fields, which are tailored to the entity you're managing.

    • You can control the search criteria attributes that are used to search for items and display the search results. Some management pages provide an Advanced Search region. To add the search criteria attributes, the Add Fields action allows you to browse the list of attributes that you can use to search for items, select the required attributes from the Available Attributes list, and move them to the Selected Attributes list. After you click OK, the attributes are added to the Advanced Search region. You can also use the Find option to quickly search an attribute and add it to the Advanced Search region.

      After you click Search, the search results are displayed for you to manage. The Add Columns action provides a similar user experience and adds the selected attributes as columns in the search result. You can change the order of the attributes in the Selected Attributes list. The columns will be displayed in the same order in the search results.

      Note: The search attributes appear for all the user-defined and operational attributes.

      To remove an added field, click the deletion control next to it. To remove all added fields, click Reset.

    • In the Item and Description search fields, you can use the Contains search operator. To preserve search performance, you must also specify a search value for Organization when you use the Contains operator for Item and Description.

    • In the Item search field, you can use the In operator to search for multiple items, as described in a following topic.

    • Some management pages provide a single search field. When you type at least 3 characters, a list of matching entities is presented. Select one to see its details.

      You can also click Show Filters to open a list of search filters tailored to the entity you're managing. If you need to search on a field that isn't there by default, click Add and select the additional search fields that you need. You can also click Reorder to change the order of the filters.

Quick Search

From anywhere in the Product Information Management work area, you can quickly search for product information entities without first navigating to their management page.

  1. Click the Search icon in the panel drawer of the Product Information Management work area, then select the product information entity that you want to search for in the Search list, such as Item or Catalog.

  2. If you selected Item, then:

    • You can enter a partial item name directly in the search field. If it matches an indexed keyword, a list of matching items is automatically generated. Selecting an item opens the Edit Item page for that particular item.

    • You can click Search Multiple Items to search for a list of specific item names, as described in the topic on searching for multiple items.

    If you selected one of the other product information entities, then a simple set of search fields appears in the search panel.

  3. If you want to go directly to the task-based search for the entity you selected, click the Advanced link or button.

  4. Select the desired search item from the results list.

Search Refinements

See the related topics provided for tips on refinements in search terms, especially for item searches.