Review Item Cost and Global Procurement Trade Transaction Accounting

Oracle Receipt Accounting and Oracle Cost Accounting process and create accounting distributions for trade transactions in the supply chain.

You must first run the Create Receipt Accounting Distributions process and the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process for the supplier facing organization and associated primary cost book. You must then run these processes for the receiving organization. The transactions of the supplier facing organization and primary cost book must be costed before costing the transactions of the receiving organization.

The following explains how to review the results of global procurement trade transactions processed by Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting.

Receipt Accounting Results

In the Receipt Accounting work area, access the Review Receipt Accounting Distributions page. On this page you can view accounting details by Source Document Number and Source Document Line Number. Source documents are purchase order schedules, transfer orders, and sales orders.

Cost Accounting Results

In the Cost Accounting work area:

  • Access the Review Item Costs page. On this page you can view a breakdown of the cost of items, cost comparisons of items across organizations, and cost trends over time.

  • Access the Review Cost Accounting Distributions page. On this page you can view accounting details of trade transactions by Reference Document Number.