Capture Expenditure Information in Project Costing for Interorganization Transactions

You can capture project attributes on transfer orders, and fulfill these transfer orders from a common or pooled inventory to track costs against a project.

You can capture expenditure information for these material shipment.

  • From common inventory to a project striped inventory

  • From common inventory to a project location (expense destination)

  • Interorganization transfers within a project

The project details associated with the transfer order are listed on the Review Cost Accounting Distributions page.

Interorganization and Intraorganization Transfers

For an interorganization transfer, the shipping organization and receiving organization must be project enabled. In this case, transfer from a project striped inventory to a project striped inventory is supported and the costs are interfaced to PPM.

In the case of an intraorganization transfer, transfer from a common inventory to a project-striped inventory or from a project-striped inventory to a common inventory is supported.

A negative charge is sent for the source or sending organization and a positive charge is sent for the destination organization.

This table lists the accounting events interfaced to PPM for the source and destination organizations.

Source Organization

Destination Organization

Transfer Order Issue

Transfer Order Receipt from In-Transit

Transfer Order Issue to Expense with Receipt

Receipt from In-Transit

Transfer Order Issue to Expense without Receipt

Transfer Order Direct Transfer Receipt

Transfer Order Shipment to In-Transit

Transfer Order Return Shipment

Shipment to In-Transit

Transfer Order Return with Scrap

Transfer Order Direct Transfer Shipment

Direct Transfer Receipt

Transfer Order Return Receipt

Transfer Order Intraorganization Receipt

Direct Transfer Shipment

Transfer Order Subinventory Transfer

Transfer Order Intraorganization Shipment

The corresponding accounting lines that are interfaced to PPM are listed here:

  • Cost Variance

  • Expense

  • Freight Expense

  • Inventory Valuation

  • Inventory Write Off

  • Transfer Price Variance

  • Valuation Unit Transfer Variance