Cost Accounting Infolets

The Overview page of the Cost Accounting work area displays some infolets. These infolets are visible by default. You can configure which infolets should be displayed on the page from My Infolets.

You can set the View By option on the page to view the information for a specific cost organization or for all the cost organizations that you have access to. Only the data corresponding to the primary cost book is used to populate the infolets.

The table lists the infolets available in the Cost Accounting work area.

Note: The Asset Inventory Valuation and Consigned Inventory Valuation infolets are available only if you opt-in for the Use Enhanced Period Inventory Valuation and Gross Margin Reporting feature. These infolets replace the Inventory Valuation infolet.



Asset Inventory Valuation

The list of asset inventory valuation for the current period for each cost organization and primary cost book that you have access to. When viewing the information for a specific cost organization, the infolet shows the trend for last three months, if data is available.

Consigned Inventory Valuation

The list of consigned inventory valuation for the current period for each cost organization and primary cost book that you have access to. When viewing the information for a specific cost organization, the infolet shows the trend for last three months, if data is available.

Gross Margin

The details of the recognized revenue, cost of goods sold, and gross margin for the selected cost organization over the last seven days.

Inventory Valuation

The total inventory valuation and a break up by valuation structure type. If you have access to more than one cost organization, you can flip the infolet to view the list of inventory value by valuation structure type for all the cost organizations that you have access to.

Last Cost Rollup

The results of the last Roll up Costs process for the selected cost organization. It includes the count of rolled up and not rolled up items and is restricted to sub-assemblies and finished products.

Purchase Price Variance

The details of the purchase price variances logged for the selected cost organization over the last seven days.

Recent Exceptions

The errors reported by the last run of the Create Cost Accounting Distributions process.

Recent Processes

The information about the recent cost accounting process that were run for the selected cost organizations. This includes the process ID and the corresponding status such as success, warning, error, and so on.

Transaction Status

The details of transactions that have errors or need your attention for the selected cost organizations.

Work in Process Balances

The total Work in Process balances for all plants and the Work in Process balances based on the work order statuses Completed, Released, and On Hold. If you have access to more than one cost organization, you can flip the infolet to view the details for all the cost organizations that you have access to.

Work Order Costs

Summarized view of the metrics for work order costs, such as scrap and variances, over the last seven days for all the plants that are mapped to the selected cost organizations.

You can choose to not list and display one or more of the infolets on the Overview page by setting the profile option code ORA_CST_HIDE_INFOLETS on the Manage Cost Accounting Profile Options page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.