Example of Accounting of Interorganization Transfers

This example illustrates:

  • Material moment transactions that are captured in Oracle Inventory Management and interfaced to Oracle Receipt Accounting and Oracle Cost Accounting.

  • Supply chain financial transactions that are captured in Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and interfaced to Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting.

  • Accounting entries that Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting generate for the transfer of goods across profit center business units.


A transfer order is issued from an asset or expense inventory to an expense destination, where the sending organization and receiving organization are in different profit center business units. A trade agreement setup in Supply Chain Financial Orchestration to create the financial ownership trade events. Let's consider the sending organization is M1 and the receiving organization is M2. The quantity of goods transferred is 10 units and the transfer price is $15.00 per unit, where $12.00 is the cost and $3.00 is the internal markup.

These parameters defined on the agreement drive how the accounting for these trade events is recorded in cost accounting and receipt accounting.

  • Intercompany Invoicing: If intercompany invoicing is set to Yes, then for the Trade In Transit Issue event, Inter Company Cost of Goods Sold is created at cost, else Cost Accounting will book Interorganization Receivable at the transfer price.

  • Profit Tracking: If profit tracking is set to Yes, then the internal markup is tracked separately in the destination node as a separate cost element Profit in Inventory. If set to No, then the markup is included in the material cost.

In this example, Intercompany Invoicing and Profit Tracking are set to Yes.

Accounting Events

For this transfer to expense destination, the corresponding events along with the transaction creating system and subledger are summarized in this table.


Transaction Creating System


Transfer Order Issue


Cost Accounting

Trade in Transit Issue

Financial Orchestration/ Cost Accounting

Cost Accounting

Trade Receipt Accrual

Financial Orchestration/ Cost Accounting

Receipt Accounting

Trade in Transit Receipt

Financial Orchestration/ Cost Accounting

Cost Accounting

Transfer Order Receipt


Receipt Accounting

Transfer Order Deliver to Expense


Receipt Accounting

In the case where the transfer is without a manual receipt at destination, the events Transfer Order Logical Receipt and Transfer Order Logical Deliver to Expense will replace Transfer Order Receipt and Transfer Order Deliver to Expense respectively.

Note: In this example, the transfer is across different profit center business units. Therefore, the Trade in Transit Issue, Trade Receipt Accrual, and Trade in Transit Receipt events are generated by Financial Orchestration. In the case of a transfer within a profit center business unit, these events are generated by Cost Accounting.


Receipt Accounting and Cost Accounting create accounting entries for the transfer of goods.

Accounting Entries

This table describes the receipt and cost accounting entries for the transfer order with manual receipt at expense destination.



Inventory Org/VU

Accounting Line

Cost Element

Amount in USD (+Dr/-Cr)

Basis of Amount

Cost Accounting

Transfer Order Issue


Trade in Transit


+ 120.00

Current Item Cost

Cost Accounting

Transfer Order Issue




- 120.00

Current Item Cost

Cost Accounting

Trade in Transit


Intercompany Cost of Goods Sold


+ 120.00

Transfer Order Issue Cost

Cost Accounting

Trade in Transit


Trade in Transit


- 120.00

Transfer Order Issue Cost

Receipt Accounting

Trade Receipt Accrual


Trade Clearing

+ 150.00

Transfer Price

Receipt Accounting

Trade Receipt Accrual


Intercompany Accrual

- 150.00

Transfer Price

Cost Accounting

Trade in Transit Receipt


Trade in Transit


+ 120.00

Cost of Shipment

Cost Accounting

Trade in Transit Receipt


Trade in Clearing


- 120.00

Cost of Shipment

Cost Accounting

Trade in Transit Receipt


Trade in Transit

Profit in Inventory

+ 30.00

Transfer Price - Cost

Cost Accounting

Trade in Transit Receipt


Trade in Clearing

Profit in Inventory

- 30.00

Transfer Price - Cost

Receipt Accounting

Transfer Order Receipt


Receiving Inspection

+ 150.00

Transfer Price

Receipt Accounting

Transfer Order Receipt


Trade in Transit

- 150.00

Transfer Price

Receipt Accounting

Transfer Order Deliver to Expense



+ 150.00

Transfer Price

Receipt Accounting

Transfer Order Deliver to Expense


Receiving Inspection

- 150.00

Transfer Price

Note: In the case of a transfer within a profit center business unit, the Transfer Price and Cost of Shipment will be same as the Current Item Cost as there won't be any markup on the cost. Therefore, the accounting lines corresponding to the Profit in Inventory cost element won't be included in the accounting entries in such cases.