Periodic Average Cost Adjustment Status

The status of the periodic average cost adjustment specifies what actions you can perform on the adjustment.

The table summarizes the various status that a periodic average cost adjustment can be in.

Status Description
Submitted When you create or edit an adjustment, it’s in the Submitted status. Only adjustments that are in this status will be processed by the cost processor. You can edit or delete adjustments that are in this status.

When you run the Create Cost Accounting Distribution process, the adjustments in the Submitted status are processed and corresponding distributions are created. These adjustments are then set to the Processed status.

You can edit a value adjustment that’s in the Processed status if the corresponding period is not closed. The edited adjustment is then reset to the Submitted status.

Discrepancy If a processed adjustment is edited and the corresponding period is closed without reprocessing the adjustment, then the adjustment status is set to Discrepancy. You can’t edit such an adjustment.
Obsolete If an adjustment isn’t processed during the period and was in the Submitted status when the corresponding period was closed, then the adjustment status is set to Obsolete. You can’t edit such an adjustment.
Failed When you create an adjustment without the cost details through REST API, the adjustment won’t be processed successfully and the status is set to Failed. You must add the cost details for such an adjustment from the UI. The cost details can be added only if the period is in the Open or Pending close status.