Trade Operation Statuses

The trade operation status help you determine the actions that can be performed on the trade operation.

You can update the status of a trade operation by clicking Update Status on the Manage Trade Operations page. The flexibility of transitioning a trade operation from one status to another without any restriction on the limit allows for easy management and adjustment of trade operations to accommodate changing circumstances or requirements. The applicable statuses are listed here:

  • Draft: A trade operation in the draft status is excluded from the allocation process. Such a trade operation is awaiting for all the necessary information, such as charge lines and purchase order schedules.

  • Open: Trade operations in the open status are eligible for charge allocation. When you run the allocation processor using the Manage Landed Costs process, trade operations in the open status are considered for allocation.

  • On-Hold: The on-hold status can be used to temporarily exclude the trade operation from the allocation processor. You can set the trade operation status to on-hold, if you want to edit the trade operation, and later reset the status to open so that the corresponding charges can be allocated.

  • Inactive: When a trade operation is set to the inactive status, it's excluded from the allocation processor. However, you can't edit such a trade operation any further. Any charges that were allocated prior to the status change will remain unchanged. In essence, the inactive status serves to prevent further modifications to the trade operation while preserving the integrity of previously allocated charges.

  • Closed: Trade operations in the closed status will still be considered by the allocation processor. If any new receipts are received for the purchase order schedules assocaited with a closed trade operation, charges can be applied to those receipts. However, you can't edit a trade operation after it has been closed. The previously allocated charges that were assigned before the status change will remain unchanged. The purpose of the closed status is to prevent further editing while allowing for the application of charges to new receipts for the existing purchase order schedules.