Upload Trade Operation Charges in a Spreadsheet

You can use a spreadsheet for bulk data updates to an existing Trade Operation. Add, edit, and delete operations can be performed to update the charge information. You can use a spreadsheet to complete bulk updates for the following:

  • Landed cost charges

  • Landed cost charge references

  • Landed cost related charges

The ADF Desktop Integrator is a prerequisite for capturing charges in a spreadsheet, and can be installed from the Tools section of the Navigator menu.

To capture Trade Operation charges in a spreadsheet, complete the following steps.

  1. From the Navigator menu, select Receipt Accounting.

  2. From the Landed Costs tasks list, select Capture Trade Operation Charges in Spreadsheet.

  3. Download the Capture Charges spreadsheet.

  4. Open the spreadsheet. A pop-up message asks if you want to connect to an application. Click Yes, and enter your sign-on credentials.

  5. Search on the Capture Charges tab for the Trade Operation to be updated. The spreadsheet is populated with the charge lines and corresponding Trade Operation data from the result set.

  6. Perform the required edit, add, or delete operations. The Changed column is automatically updated with a change indicator icon to confirm which rows have been modified.

  7. Click Upload to apply your changes.

  8. Repeat the above steps for any changes required on the Capture Charge References tab and the Capture Related Charges tab.