Order Manager (Job Role)

Manages coordination of fulfillment, which includes expediting orders to ensure they are fulfilled properly and on time. Also manages exceptions and issues with order fulfillment.

Role Hierarchy

The Order Manager job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Order Manager
    • B2B Messaging Administration
      • Collaboration Messaging Manager
        • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

        • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

      • Collaboration Messaging Read Only

      • Collaboration Messaging Setup
        • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

        • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

      • SOA Infra Designer

    • Download data for Order Fulfillment Request Export

    • Orchestration Order Management
      • Item Inquiry

      • Order Promising Management

    • Orchestration Order Monitoring
      • Item Inquiry

    • Orchestration Order Scheduling
      • Item Inquiry

      • Order Promising Management

    • Orchestration Process Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Order Entry Specialist
      • B2B Messaging Administration
        • Collaboration Messaging Manager
          • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

          • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

        • Collaboration Messaging Read Only

        • Collaboration Messaging Setup
          • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

          • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

        • FSCM Load Interface Administration

        • SOA Infra Designer

      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

      • Item Inquiry

      • Upload data for Source Sales Order Import

    • Order Holds Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Order Management Integration Specialist
      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

    • Order Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting

    • Upload data for Order Fulfillment Response Import


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Order Manager job role.

Duty Role Description

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Business Intelligence Authoring

An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Download data for Order Fulfillment Request Export

Allows to download data exported from Order Fulfillment Request related data.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Orchestration Process Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Orchestration Process transactional information

Order Holds Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Order Holds transactional information

Order Management Integration Specialist

Encapsulates the privileges that are needed to setup and execute the integration with Order Management Cloud.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Order Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Order transactional information

SOA Infra Designer

This role grants view/edit dictionary privileges for a user in SOA Rules Composer. This is a business administrator type role. Any team using the Rules Composer would need to grant this role to their admin enterprise role. This role is granted to SOAAdmin and BPMWorkflowAdmin. By default this application role is granted to "Administrators" enterprise role.

Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting

Grants access to the Supply Chain Management web catalog folder.

Transactional Analysis

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users.

Upload data for Order Fulfillment Response Import

Allows to upload data file to import Order Fulfillment Response related data.

Upload data for Source Sales Order Import

Allows to upload data file to import source sales order related data.

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Order Manager job role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Guided Journey Responses REST service.

Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Guided Journeys REST service.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Order Manager job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Cancel Collaboration Message

Allow access to manage cancel collaboration message

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

Allow Access to Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Create External Partner

Allow access to create external partner.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Get Message Processing Configuration

Allow access to get message processing configuration.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Get Message Transformation Configuration

Allow access to get message transformation configuration.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Application Partner

Allow access to manage Application partner UI.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Application Partners by Web Service

Allow access to manage trading partners by web service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Associated External Partner

Allow access to manage associated external partner.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Certificates

Allow access to manage B2B certificates

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Customer Trading Partners

Allow access to manage B2B Customer Trading Partners

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Locations by Web Service

Allow access to manage B2B locations by web service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Message Transactions using a REST Service

Allow access to manage B2B Message Transactions

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners

Allow access to manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage B2B Trading Partners

Allow access to manage B2B Trading Partners

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Document Data Access for Users

Allow access to manage collaboration document data access for users UI.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Message Definitions by Web Service

Allow access to manage collaboration message definitions by web service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Message Logging

Allow access to manage collaboration message logging.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messages

Allow access to Manage Collaboration Messages

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging configuration.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain Value Map

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging DVM.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging History

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging history.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration

Allow Access to Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage External Partner

Allow access to manage external partner

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage External Partner Message

Allow access to manage external partner message.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Failed Collaboration Messages

Allow access to manage failed collaboration messages

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Message Delivery Endpoint

Allow access to manage message delivery endpoint.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Service Provider

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging service provider.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Service Providers by Web Service

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging service provider by web service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Supplier by Web Service

Allows users to manage suppliers using a web service.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Trading Partners by Web Service

Allow access to manage trading partners by web service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages

Allow access to manage undelivered collaboration messages.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Monitor Collaboration Messaging

Allow access to monitor collaboration messaging work area.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Process Brazil Electronic invoices

Allow access to process Brazil electronic invoices

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Process Collaboration Message

Allow access to process collaboration message.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Process Inbound Collaboration Document

Allow access to process inbound collaboration document.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Reprocess Collaboration Message

Allow access to reprocess collaboration message.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Resolve Purchasing Document Actions by REST Service

Allows an administrator using REST to perform actions such as renumber, resubmit, and communicate again.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Retransmit Purchase Orders from Collaboration Messaging

Allows access to retransmit orders from Collaboration Messaging for which B2B transmission was not initiated or orders with the B2B messaging status of Aborted

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data Import

Allow Access to Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data Import

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Validate Inbound Collaboration Messaging Setup

Allow access to validate inbound collaboration messaging setup.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging Setup

Allow access to validate outbound collaboration messaging setup.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Output Document

Allow access to view output document.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Source Document

Allow access to view source document.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View B2B Locations by Web Service

Allow access to view B2B locations by web service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message

Allow access to view collaboration message.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Definitions by Web Service

Allow access to view collaboration message definitions by web service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Payload

Allow access to view collaboration messaging XML

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Setup Details

Allow access to view setup details.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Output Document

Allow access to view output document.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Service Providers by Web Service

Allow access to view collaboration messaging service provider by web service

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Supply Chain Collaboration B2B Infolets

Allows visibility into B2B undelivered and failed messages in the Supply Chain Collaboration landing page.

B2B Messaging Administration

Manages collaboration messaging setup and administration tasks.

View Undelivered Collaboration Messages

Allow access to manage undelivered collaboration messages.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Cancel Collaboration Message

Allow access to manage cancel collaboration message

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Get Message Processing Configuration

Allow access to get message processing configuration.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Get Message Transformation Configuration

Allow access to get message transformation configuration.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Invoke Collaboration Message Inbound Service

Allow access to invoke inbound service.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Account Numbers by web service

Allow access to manage b2b account number by web service

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage B2B Message Transactions using a REST Service

Allow access to manage B2B Message Transactions

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Message Logging

Allow access to manage collaboration message logging.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging History

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging history.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Failed Collaboration Messages

Allow access to manage failed collaboration messages

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Message Delivery Endpoint

Allow access to manage message delivery endpoint.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages

Allow access to manage undelivered collaboration messages.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Monitor Collaboration Messaging

Allow access to monitor collaboration messaging work area.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Process Brazil Electronic invoices

Allow access to process Brazil electronic invoices

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Process Collaboration Message

Allow access to process collaboration message.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Process Inbound Collaboration Document

Allow access to process inbound collaboration document.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Reprocess Collaboration Message

Allow access to reprocess collaboration message.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Resolve Purchasing Document Actions by REST Service

Allows an administrator using REST to perform actions such as renumber, resubmit, and communicate again.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Retransmit Purchase Orders from Collaboration Messaging

Allows access to retransmit orders from Collaboration Messaging for which B2B transmission was not initiated or orders with the B2B messaging status of Aborted

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging Setup

Allow access to validate outbound collaboration messaging setup.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message

Allow access to view collaboration message.

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

View Collaboration Message Payload

Allow access to view collaboration messaging XML

Collaboration Messaging Manager

Manages collaboration messaging administration tasks.

View Supply Chain Collaboration B2B Infolets

Allows visibility into B2B undelivered and failed messages in the Supply Chain Collaboration landing page.

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View Account Numbers by web service

Allow access to manage b2b account number by web service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View Application Partners by Web Service

Allow access to manage trading partners by web service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View B2B Locations by Web Service

Allow access to view B2B locations by web service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View Collaboration Message Definitions by Web Service

Allow access to view collaboration message definitions by web service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View Service Providers by Web Service

Allow access to view collaboration messaging service provider by web service

Collaboration Messaging Read Only

Searches and views collaboration messaging setup and administration information.

View Trading Partners by Web Service

Allow access to view trading partners by web service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

Allow Access to Create Collaboration Messaging Setup Data File

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Create External Partner

Allow access to create external partner.

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Account Numbers by web service

Allow access to manage b2b account number by web service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Application Partner

Allow access to manage Application partner UI.

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Application Partners by Web Service

Allow access to manage trading partners by web service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Associated External Partner

Allow access to manage associated external partner.

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Certificates

Allow access to manage B2B certificates

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Customer Trading Partners

Allow access to manage B2B Customer Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Locations by Web Service

Allow access to manage B2B locations by web service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Message Transactions using a REST Service

Allow access to manage B2B Message Transactions

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners

Allow access to manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage B2B Trading Partners

Allow access to manage B2B Trading Partners

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Collaboration Document Data Access for Users

Allow access to manage collaboration document data access for users UI.

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Collaboration Message Definitions by Web Service

Allow access to manage collaboration message definitions by web service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messages

Allow access to Manage Collaboration Messages

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging configuration.

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Collaboration Messaging Domain Value Map

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging DVM.

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration

Allow Access to Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage External Partner

Allow access to manage external partner

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Service Provider

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging service provider.

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Service Providers by Web Service

Allow access to manage collaboration messaging service provider by web service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Supplier by Web Service

Allows users to manage suppliers using a web service.

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Manage Trading Partners by Web Service

Allow access to manage trading partners by web service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Monitor Collaboration Messaging

Allow access to monitor collaboration messaging work area.

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data Import

Allow Access to Review Collaboration Messaging Setup Data Import

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

View B2B Locations by Web Service

Allow access to view B2B locations by web service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

View Collaboration Message Definitions by Web Service

Allow access to view collaboration message definitions by web service

Collaboration Messaging Setup

Manages collaboration messaging setup tasks.

View Service Providers by Web Service

Allow access to view collaboration messaging service provider by web service

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

Allow financials and supply chain users to access the methods associated with the Integration Rest Service.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load File to Interface

Allows file data load to interface tables

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load Interface File for Import

Allows a user to load interface file for import

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Manage File Import and Export

Privilege to manage import and export of files.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Transfer File

Allows management of file transfer from server

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

GET Product Management Index REST

Allows access to view indexed attributes.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Get Search View REST

Allows query of search views.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Allows access to view and manage item attachments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Catalog

Allows access to view and manage item catalogs including categories and category hierarchies.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Global Search

Allows access to search for items using secure enterprise search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Product Management Search

Allows access to view and edit Product Management Search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Allows access to manage trading partner item references for items.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Unit of Measure

Allows configuration of UOMs, UOM classes, and definition of standard, interclass, and intraclass UOM conversions.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item

Allows access to product dashboard.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Organization Association

Allows access to view item organization assignments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Relationship

Allows access to view item relationships.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Product Management Search

Allows access to view Product Management Search.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Adjust Amounts for Credit Authorizations

Submit a request to adjust amounts for credit authorizations.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Apply Hold in Bulk

Use the Sales Order Action Requests REST API to apply holds on a large volume of sales orders or order lines.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Apply Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Hold

Allows application of a hold to an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Apply Orchestration Order Hold

Allows application of a hold to an orchestration order.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Apply Orchestration Order Line Hold

Allows application of a hold to an orchestration order line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Assign Orchestration Order Line to Orchestration Process

Allows assignment of an orchestration order line to an orchestration process.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Cancel Bulk Orders

Use the Sales Order Action Requests REST API to cancel a large volume of sales orders or order lines.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Edit Project Details

Edit project details in a sales order.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Export Customer Account

Not Available

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Export Customer Account Contact

Allows the export of customer account contact information.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Extract Sales Orders for Revenue Management

Retrieves sales order details from Order Management Cloud and imports them into interface tables for Revenue Management Cloud.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Manage E-mail Notifications

Allows the ability to send event notifications through e-mail

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Generic Web Service

Allows access to orchestration generic web services.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Exceptions

Allows management of orchestration order fulfillment line exceptions.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Order Holds Release Program

Allows submission of a process that releases orchestration order holds. Also allows viewing of the results of a submission.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Order Modification

Allows management of change orders.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Order Workbench Web Service

Allows access to orchestration order workbench Web services.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Process Exceptions

Allows management of orchestration process exceptions.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Manage Order Orchestration Composite Generator Service

Allows access to order orchestration composite generator services.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Manage Order Orchestration Decomposition Web Service

Allows access to order orchestration decomposition Web services.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Mark Orchestration Infrastructure Messages as Inactive

Allows setting of orchestration infrastructure messages to inactive status.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Mark Order Orchestration Messages as Inactive

Allows setting of order orchestration request messages to inactive status.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Mass Reserve Orchestration Order Fulfillment Lines

Allows reservation of multiple orchestration order fulfillment lines.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Mass Schedule Orchestration Order Fulfillment Lines

Allows scheduling of multiple orchestration order fulfillment lines.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Mass Unreserve Orchestration Order Fulfillment Lines

Allows Unreserve operation of multiple orchestration order fulfillment lines.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Mass Unschedule Orchestration Order Fulfillment Lines

Allows Unschedule operation of multiple orchestration order fulfillment lines.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Modify Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Attributes

Allows modification of orchestration order fulfillment line attributes.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Modify Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Schedule Date

Allows modification of orchestration order fulfillment line schedule date.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Monitor Sales Order

Allows access to the order orchestration work area. The order orchestration work area is the central navigation point for all orchestration-related transactional tasks.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Obtain Orchestration Order Activity Fulfillment Statuses

Allows submission of the process that obtains activity fulfillment statuses.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Override Fulfillment Line Item Substitution Allowed Indicator

Allows override of the option that permits item substitution on an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Override Fulfillment Line Split Allowed Indicator

Allows override of the option that permits splitting of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Plan Orchestration Processes

Allows submission of the process responsible for planning orchestration processes.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Release Hold in Bulk

Use the Sales Order Action Requests REST API to release holds from a large volume of sales orders or order lines.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Release Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Hold

Allows release of a hold on an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Release Orchestration Order Hold

Allows release of a hold on an orchestration order.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Release Orchestration Order Line Hold

Allows release of a hold on an orchestration order line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Release Paused Orchestration Order Tasks

Allows submission of the process that releases orchestration order paused event tasks.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Remove Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line from Shipment Set

Allows removal of orchestration order fulfillment line from a shipment set.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Reprice Bulk Orders

Use the Sales Order Action Requests REST API to reprice a large volume of sales orders.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Reserve Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line

Allows reservation of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Schedule Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line

Allows scheduling of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Search Customer Account Site

Allows the search of customer account sites. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Search Trading Community Organization

Allows the search of organizations. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Split Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line

Allows splitting of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Submit Bulk Orders

Use the Sales Order Action Requests REST API to submit a large volume of sales orders.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Substitute Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Item

Allows substitution of an item on the orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Unreserve Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line

Allows Unreserve operation of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Unschedule Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line

Allows Unschedule operation of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

Update Orchestration Process Detail Task Dates

Allows viewing of orchestration process details and update of task dates.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Customer Account

Allows the viewing of customer account information.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Contact

Allows the viewing of customer account contact information.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Allows the viewing of customer account contact information.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Information

Not Available

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Site

Allows the viewing of the customer account site information.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Site Use

Allows the viewing of the customer account site use information.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Fulfillment Line Freight Charges and Cost

Allows viewing of details of orchestration order fulfillment line freight charges and costs.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Fulfillment Line Shipping and Tracking Details

Allows viewing of details of orchestration order fulfillment line shipping and tracking.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Infrastructure Messages

Allows viewing of orchestration infrastructure messages.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order fulfillment line hold.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Order Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order hold.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Order Line Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order line hold.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Process Details

Allows viewing of orchestration process details.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Process Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration process hold.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Order Orchestration Request Messages

Allows viewing of order orchestration request messages.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Order to Cash Infolet Page

Allows users to view the infolet page for the order to cash process area in the Fusion Applications home experience.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Project Details

View project details in a sales order.

Orchestration Order Management

Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management, monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of orchestration orders.

View Supply Orders

Allows viewing of supply orders.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Edit Project Details

Edit project details in a sales order.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Export Customer Account

Not Available

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Export Customer Account Contact

Allows the export of customer account contact information.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Manage E-mail Notifications

Allows the ability to send event notifications through e-mail

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Generic Web Service

Allows access to orchestration generic web services.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Exceptions

Allows management of orchestration order fulfillment line exceptions.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Order Modification

Allows management of change orders.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Order Workbench Web Service

Allows access to orchestration order workbench Web services.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Process Exceptions

Allows management of orchestration process exceptions.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Manage Order Orchestration Composite Generator Service

Allows access to order orchestration composite generator services.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Manage Order Orchestration Decomposition Web Service

Allows access to order orchestration decomposition Web services.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Mark Orchestration Infrastructure Messages as Inactive

Allows setting of orchestration infrastructure messages to inactive status.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Mark Order Orchestration Messages as Inactive

Allows setting of order orchestration request messages to inactive status.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Modify Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Attributes

Allows modification of orchestration order fulfillment line attributes.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Monitor Sales Order

Allows access to the order orchestration work area. The order orchestration work area is the central navigation point for all orchestration-related transactional tasks.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Override Fulfillment Line Item Substitution Allowed Indicator

Allows override of the option that permits item substitution on an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Override Fulfillment Line Split Allowed Indicator

Allows override of the option that permits splitting of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Search Customer Account Site

Allows the search of customer account sites. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Search Trading Community Organization

Allows the search of organizations. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Split Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line

Allows splitting of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Substitute Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Item

Allows substitution of an item on the orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

Update Orchestration Process Detail Task Dates

Allows viewing of orchestration process details and update of task dates.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account

Allows the viewing of customer account information.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Contact

Allows the viewing of customer account contact information.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Allows the viewing of customer account contact information.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Information

Not Available

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Site

Allows the viewing of the customer account site information.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Site Use

Allows the viewing of the customer account site use information.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Fulfillment Line Freight Charges and Cost

Allows viewing of details of orchestration order fulfillment line freight charges and costs.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Fulfillment Line Shipping and Tracking Details

Allows viewing of details of orchestration order fulfillment line shipping and tracking.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Infrastructure Messages

Allows viewing of orchestration infrastructure messages.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order fulfillment line hold.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Order Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order hold.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Order Line Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order line hold.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Process Details

Allows viewing of orchestration process details.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Process Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration process hold.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Order Orchestration Request Messages

Allows viewing of order orchestration request messages.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Order to Cash Infolet Page

Allows users to view the infolet page for the order to cash process area in the Fusion Applications home experience.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Project Details

View project details in a sales order.

Orchestration Order Monitoring

Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment processing and taking action on orchestration orders.

View Supply Orders

Allows viewing of supply orders.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Edit Project Details

Edit project details in a sales order.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Export Customer Account

Not Available

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Export Customer Account Contact

Allows the export of customer account contact information.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Manage E-mail Notifications

Allows the ability to send event notifications through e-mail

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Generic Web Service

Allows access to orchestration generic web services.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Order Modification

Allows management of change orders.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Manage Orchestration Order Workbench Web Service

Allows access to orchestration order workbench Web services.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Manage Order Orchestration Composite Generator Service

Allows access to order orchestration composite generator services.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Manage Order Orchestration Decomposition Web Service

Allows access to order orchestration decomposition Web services.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Mass Reserve Orchestration Order Fulfillment Lines

Allows reservation of multiple orchestration order fulfillment lines.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Mass Schedule Orchestration Order Fulfillment Lines

Allows scheduling of multiple orchestration order fulfillment lines.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Mass Unreserve Orchestration Order Fulfillment Lines

Allows Unreserve operation of multiple orchestration order fulfillment lines.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Mass Unschedule Orchestration Order Fulfillment Lines

Allows Unschedule operation of multiple orchestration order fulfillment lines.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Modify Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Attributes

Allows modification of orchestration order fulfillment line attributes.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Modify Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Schedule Date

Allows modification of orchestration order fulfillment line schedule date.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Monitor Sales Order

Allows access to the order orchestration work area. The order orchestration work area is the central navigation point for all orchestration-related transactional tasks.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Override Fulfillment Line Item Substitution Allowed Indicator

Allows override of the option that permits item substitution on an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Override Fulfillment Line Split Allowed Indicator

Allows override of the option that permits splitting of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Remove Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line from Shipment Set

Allows removal of orchestration order fulfillment line from a shipment set.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Reserve Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line

Allows reservation of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Schedule Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line

Allows scheduling of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Search Customer Account Site

Allows the search of customer account sites. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the customer account site.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Search Trading Community Organization

Allows the search of organizations. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Split Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line

Allows splitting of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Substitute Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Item

Allows substitution of an item on the orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Unreserve Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line

Allows Unreserve operation of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Unschedule Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line

Allows Unschedule operation of an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

Update Orchestration Process Detail Task Dates

Allows viewing of orchestration process details and update of task dates.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account

Allows the viewing of customer account information.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Contact

Allows the viewing of customer account contact information.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Allows the viewing of customer account contact information.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Information

Not Available

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Site

Allows the viewing of the customer account site information.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Customer Account Site Use

Allows the viewing of the customer account site use information.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Fulfillment Line Freight Charges and Cost

Allows viewing of details of orchestration order fulfillment line freight charges and costs.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Fulfillment Line Shipping and Tracking Details

Allows viewing of details of orchestration order fulfillment line shipping and tracking.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order fulfillment line hold.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Order Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order hold.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Order Line Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order line hold.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Process Details

Allows viewing of orchestration process details.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Orchestration Process Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration process hold.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Order to Cash Infolet Page

Allows users to view the infolet page for the order to cash process area in the Fusion Applications home experience.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Project Details

View project details in a sales order.

Orchestration Order Scheduling

Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on orchestration orders.

View Supply Orders

Allows viewing of supply orders.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Access Configurator Runtime

Allows access to the Configurator Runtime

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Apply Holds

Allows the end user to apply a hold on an order or an order line.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Apply Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Hold

Allows application of a hold to an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Apply Orchestration Order Hold

Allows application of a hold to an orchestration order.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Apply Orchestration Order Line Hold

Allows application of a hold to an orchestration order line.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Cancel Order

Allows the end user to cancel an order.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Create Sales Order Requests Using REST Services

Allows the user to send request Create Sales Orders in REST API resource Sales Orders for Order Hub Requests.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Create Sales Orders Using REST Services

Allows the end user to Create Sales Orders Using REST Services.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Delete Orders from Interface

Allows the end user to delete orders from the interface tables.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Delete Sales Order Requests Using REST Services

Allows the user to send request Delete Sales Orders in REST API resource Sales Orders for Order Hub Requests.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Delete Sales Orders Using REST Services

Allows the end user to Delete Sales Orders Using REST Services.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Edit Project Details

Edit project details in a sales order.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Enter Trading Community Organization Information

Allows the specification of organization information.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Enter Trading Community Person

Allows the specification of person information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Get Sales Order Requests Using REST Services

Allows the user to send request Get Sales Orders in REST API resource Sales Orders for Order Hub Requests.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Get Sales Orders Using REST Services

Allows the end user to Get Sales Orders Using REST Services.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Import Order

Allows the end user to import orders into the Order Management application.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Initiate Order

Allows the end user to create a new order or to change an existing order.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Manage File Import and Export

Privilege to manage import and export of files.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Manage Orchestration Generic Web Service

Allows access to orchestration generic web services.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Manage Payment Card

Allows management of payment cards.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Mark Orchestration Infrastructure Messages as Inactive

Allows setting of orchestration infrastructure messages to inactive status.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Mark Order Orchestration Messages as Inactive

Allows setting of order orchestration request messages to inactive status.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Monitor Sales Order

Allows access to the order orchestration work area. The order orchestration work area is the central navigation point for all orchestration-related transactional tasks.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Print Order

Allows the end user to print the order report.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Release Holds

Allows the end user to release a hold on an order or an order line.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Release Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Hold

Allows release of a hold on an orchestration order fulfillment line.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Release Orchestration Order Hold

Allows release of a hold on an orchestration order.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Release Orchestration Order Line Hold

Allows release of a hold on an orchestration order line.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Revise Order

Allows the end user to change an existing order.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Submit Order

Allows the end user to book an order.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Submit Receivables Automatic Receipt Creation Process

Submit the Create Automatic Receipt Batch to create an automatic receipt batch.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Update Order Incentives

Allows modification of incentive details on a sales order.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Update Order Pricing details

Allows the end user to override the price displayed for an order line.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Update Order Totals

Allows an order administrator to update the sales order total for upgrade orders.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Update Sales Order Requests Using REST Services

Allows the user to send request Update Sales Orders in REST API resource Sales Orders for Order Hub Requests.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Update Sales Orders Using REST Services

Allows the end user to Update Sales Orders Using REST Services.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Update Selected Lines or Sales Orders

Allows the Order Entry Specialist to update the objects that they select from a list, such as order lines, sales orders, fulfillment lines, and so on.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Update Trading Community Organization

Allows the update of the organization relationship information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community organization relationship.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Update Trading Community Person

Allows the update of person information. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community person.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

Validate Order

Allows the end user or an order workflow to validate an order.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Customer Account

Allows the viewing of customer account information.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Customer Account Contact

Allows the viewing of customer account contact information.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Customer Account Contact Responsibility

Allows the viewing of customer account contact information.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Customer Account Information

Not Available

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Customer Account Site

Allows the viewing of the customer account site information.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Customer Account Site Use

Allows the viewing of the customer account site use information.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Fulfillment Line Freight Charges and Cost

Allows viewing of details of orchestration order fulfillment line freight charges and costs.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Fulfillment Line Shipping and Tracking Details

Allows viewing of details of orchestration order fulfillment line shipping and tracking.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Orchestration Infrastructure Messages

Allows viewing of orchestration infrastructure messages.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Orchestration Order Fulfillment Line Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order fulfillment line hold.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Orchestration Order Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order hold.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Orchestration Order Line Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration order line hold.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Orchestration Process Details

Allows viewing of orchestration process details.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Orchestration Process Hold

Allows viewing of details of an orchestration process hold.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Order Orchestration Request Messages

Allows viewing of order orchestration request messages.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Orders

Allows the end user to view orders.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Planning Supply Availability

Allows viewing of supply availability.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Project Details

View project details in a sales order.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Supply Availability Report

Allows viewing of supply availability.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Supply Chain Financial Orchestration System Options

View the supply chain financial orchestration system options.

Order Entry Specialist

Individual who is responsible for creating new orders, updating existing orders, and creating order returns.

View Supply Orders

Allows viewing of supply orders.

Order Management Integration Specialist

Encapsulates the privileges that are needed to setup and execute the integration with Order Management Cloud.

Process Fulfillment Response

Allows processing of the fulfillment system response staged in the fulfillment response interface tables.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Delete Measure Definition

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Delete Planning Graphs

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Delete Planning Tables

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Edit Data in Planning Tables

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Edit Planning Analysis Sets

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Maintain Measure Definition

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Maintain Planning Graphs

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Maintain Planning Tables

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Allocation Attributes

Allows management of order backlog management allocation attributes.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Available-to-Promise Rule

Allows management of available-to-promise rules.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Planning Allocation Rule

Allows management of planning allocation rules.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Planning Exceptions

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Planning Graphs

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Manage Planning Supply Shipment Sets

Allows management of supply shipment sets.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Monitor Order Promising Work Area

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Review Plan Summary

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

Schedule Fulfillment Line

Allows the scheduling or rescheduling of a fulfillment line.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Available-to-Promise Rule

Allows viewing of available-to-promise rules.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Measure Definition

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Order to Cash Infolet Page

Allows users to view the infolet page for the order to cash process area in the Fusion Applications home experience.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Allocation Rule

Allows viewing of order promising allocation rules.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Analysis Sets

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Sourcing Rule

Allows viewing of sourcing rules and bills of distribution.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Supply Availability

Allows viewing of supply availability.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Supply Availability Details

Allows viewing of planning supply availability details.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Supply Availability Options

Allows viewing of planning supply availability options.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Planning Tables

Not Available

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Supply Allocation Report

Allows viewing of Supply Allocation report.

Order Promising Management

Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to promising fulfillment lines.

View Supply Availability Report

Allows viewing of supply availability.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Order Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Collaboration Document Header

A Order Manager can manage collaboration document header for the collaboration document of document type acknowledge change purchase order outbound

Role: Order Manager

Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document (Data)

Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header

A Order Manager can manage collaboration document header for the collaboration document of document type acknowledge purchase order inbound

Role: Order Manager

Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document (Data)

Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header

A Order Manager can manage collaboration document header for the collaboration document of document type cancel purchase order inbound

Role: Order Manager

Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document (Data)

Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header

A Order Manager can manage collaboration document header for the collaboration document of document type change purchase order inbound

Role: Order Manager

Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document (Data)

Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header

A Order Manager can manage collaboration document header for the collaboration document of document type process purchase order inbound

Role: Order Manager

Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document (Data)

Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header

An Order Manager can manage collaboration document for the collaboration document of document type acknowledge change purchase order outbound

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document (Data)

Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header

An Order Manager can manage collaboration document for the collaboration document of document type acknowledge purchase order inbound

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document (Data)

Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header

An Order Manager can manage collaboration document for the collaboration document of document type cancel purchase order inbound

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document (Data)

Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header

An Order Manager can manage collaboration document for the collaboration document of document type change purchase order inbound

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document (Data)

Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Collaboration Document Header

An Order Manager can manage collaboration document for the collaboration document of document type process purchase order inbound

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: Manage Collaboration Document (Data)

Resource: Collaboration Document Header

Guided Journey Response

An Order Manager can manage guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: Manage Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

Guided Journey Response

An Order Manager can view guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: View Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response


An Order Manager can view journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey

Orchestration Order

An Order Manager can manage orchestration order for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Management

Privilege: Manage Orchestration Order (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Orchestration Order

An Order Manager can manage orchestration order for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Monitoring

Privilege: Manage Orchestration Order (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Orchestration Order

An Order Manager can manage orchestration order for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Scheduling

Privilege: Manage Orchestration Order (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Orchestration Order

An Order Manager can manage orchestration order for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: Manage Orchestration Order (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Orchestration Process Instance

An Order Manager can manage orchestration order for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Management

Privilege: Manage Orchestration Order (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Orchestration Process Instance

An Order Manager can manage orchestration order for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Monitoring

Privilege: Manage Orchestration Order (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Orchestration Process Instance

An Order Manager can manage orchestration order for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Scheduling

Privilege: Manage Orchestration Order (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Sales Orders for Order Hub

A Order Manager can view sales orders for order hub for all sales orders

Role: Order Manager

Privilege: View Sales Orders

Resource: Sales Orders for Order Hub

Sales Orders for Order Hub

An Order Manager can view sales orders for all sales orders

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: View Sales Orders

Resource: Sales Orders for Order Hub

Trading Community Customer Account

An Order Manager can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Management

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account

An Order Manager can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Monitoring

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account

An Order Manager can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Scheduling

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account

An Order Manager can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

An Order Manager can view customer account relationship for all reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Order Manager can view customer account site for all reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Order Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Management

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Order Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Monitoring

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Order Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Scheduling

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Order Manager can view customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Order Manager can view customer account site use for all reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Order Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Management

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Order Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Monitoring

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Order Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Orchestration Order Scheduling

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Order Manager can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Organization Party

An Order Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

An Order Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Monitoring

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

An Order Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Scheduling

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

An Order Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Party

An Order Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

An Order Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Monitoring

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

An Order Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Scheduling

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

An Order Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Relationship

An Order Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

An Order Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Monitoring

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

An Order Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Orchestration Order Scheduling

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

An Order Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Order Entry Specialist

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship