Examine Availability Dates

The date attributes on the Check Availability page provide details about when Order Management requested the item, when shipping will ship and deliver it, and so on.

  • The Check Availability page converts and displays most of these dates in the local time zone where the destination or source resides.
  • The destination time zone is the time zone where the customer or the organization that receives the item resides.
  • The source time zone is the time zone where the organization or the supplier that ships the item resides.
  • The page displays some dates in the time zone that you use when you create the sales order in Order Management.
  • Promising assumes the orders that you import use the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone.

Here are some more details.

Attribute Description
Requested Arrival Date Date when the customer requested to receive the item, in the time zone where the customer site resides.
Requested Arrival Date at Customer Site

Date when the customer requested to receive the item, in the time zone where the customer site resides.

Requested Ship Date Date when the sales order requested to ship the order to the customer, in the time zone where the customer resides.
Requested Ship Date at Ship-from Site Date when the sales order requested to ship the item from the warehouse or supplier, in the time zone where the warehouse or supplier resides.
Expected Ship Date Date when Promising expects that we can ship the item, in the time zone where the ship-from warehouse resides.
Expected Arrival Date

Date when Promising expects the item will arrive at the customer site, in the time zone where the customer site resides.

If it’s a transfer, then this date is in the time zone where the receiving organization resides.

Scheduled Ship Date Date when the item is scheduled to ship, in the time zone where the organization or supplier that will ship the item resides.
Scheduled Arrival Date

Date when the item is scheduled to arrive, in the time zone where the customer site resides.

If it’s a transfer, then this date is in the time zone where the receiving organization resides.

Latest Acceptable Date Date that the sales order specifies as the last day that the customer is willing to accept the item, in the time zone where the customer resides.
Latest Acceptable Date In Local Time Zone

Date that the sales order specifies as the last day that the customer is willing to accept the item for:

  • Arrival. In the time zone where the customer site resides.
  • Ship. In the time zone where the ship-from organization resides.
Earliest Acceptable Date Date that the sales order specifies as the first day that the customer is willing to accept the item, in the time zone where the customer resides.
Earliest Acceptable Date In Local Time Zone

Date that the sales order specifies as the first day that the customer is willing to accept the item for:

  • Arrival. In the time zone where the customer site resides.
  • Ship. In the time zone where the ship-from organization resides.
Order Creation Date And Time The date and time when you create the sales order in Order Management.

Here are two different ways that you can specify a time zone for your supplier or customer.

  • Use a CSV file when you upload your planning data.
  • Go to the Plan Inputs work area, then use the Maintain Supply Network Model page.

Time Zone Differences

If you don't specify a time zone for the supplier or for the customer, then Promising uses the values that you specify on the Order Promising Options page as the default time zone for the supplier or for the customer. For more, see:

Set the Ship-to Region or Zone

You might need to specify the ship-to region or zone when you check availability.


  • You don't assign a sourcing rule that's higher in the sourcing hierarchy than the region, and:
  • You don't assign a sourcing rule at a more specific level, such as customer or item, and:
  • The Order Entry Specialist adds a new site or a new customer on the sales order at run time.


  • You must set a value in the Ship to Region or Zone attribute, and the value that you set must match the region that you specify in your sourcing assignment. Promising will use it to determine what sourcing to use in your sourcing rule.

You typically specify the customer site in your party data when you set up each customer. Promising looks at the party data, not custom run time data that isn't typically part of the data model.

To set the attribute, go to the Check Availability page, click View > Columns in the fulfillment line area, add a check mark to the Ship-to Region or Zone attribute, then set the value for the attribute on the line.

Use Fulfillment Analytics

Use Analytics section on the Check Availability page to get details and evaluate the promising results for your fulfillment line. You can use these analytics each time you refresh the results.

If you improve the results for one line, and if the lines in your batch request the same item, then the results for other lines in your batch might degrade. Use the analytics to determine whether the overall results meet your needs.

Aggregate Batch Scheduling Metrics

Use the Aggregate Batch Scheduling Metrics analytic to analyze the total margin and total fulfillment cost for your lines. Promising uses the cost details that you collect into the planning repository to calculate the fulfillment cost of each line, and then aggregates these results. Promising considers various costs, such as:

  • Cost of the item in your organization
  • Cost to purchase the items or its manufacturing components
  • Shipping cost
  • Resource usage cost
The promising mode affects how Promising calculates cost. Promising provides the lowest cost option, by default. Consider the simplest case, where Promising uses existing, on hand supply at a warehouse to promise the order. Here's that calculation for the fulfillment cost for a line.
  • (Cost of the item multiplied by the quantity) plus (the shipping cost for each unit multiplied by the quantity)

Fulfillment Line Promising Distribution

Use the Fulfillment Line Promising Distribution analytic to analyze results according to what's on time and what's delayed. Use the pie charts to get details, such as:

  • The number of lines that are on time
  • The number of lines that are delayed 4 to 7 days
  • The number of lines that are delayed 15 days or more


  • Use the Original chart to see what's on time and what's delayed before you did a refresh. The delay in this chart is the number of days between the requested arrival date and the scheduled arrival date.
  • Use the Proposed chart to see what's on time and what's delayed after you make changes and do a refresh. The delay in this chart is the number of days between the requested arrival date and the expected arrival date.