View Availability Details

Get details about how Promising comes up with an option.

  1. Go to the Manage Order Promising Demands page. For details, see Check Availability.
  2. Click a fulfillment line, then click View Availability Options.
  3. In the Availability Options area, click the row that has your option, then click Tasks > Availability Details.

    Notice that the Availability Details area displays your item. If it’s a configured item, it will display it in a hierarchy.

  4. In the Availability Details area, click a row, click Actions, then click one of these actions.
    • Review Supply Availability
    • Review Supply Allocation
    • Pegging Properties
    • Order Promising Rules > View Sourcing Rule
    • Order Promising Rules > View ATP Rule
    • Order Promising Rules > View Allocation Rule
    • Export


  • Use these details to learn how Promising searched for supply in your supply chain.
  • Use it to help identify the cause of delay for a fulfillment line. For example, examine the sourcing rule, ATP rule, and allocation rule that Promising used when it created the option. See if you can modify them to improve results.
  • Get details about where Promising found supply to promise the option, such as whether it found only on-hand supply for the item, found supply that it can transfer from another organization, or supply that it can buy from a supplier. Consider whether you can modify your supply chain to improve results, such as adding a supplier.

Pegging Properties

Use these properties to see what might cause delay. For example, use the Manufacturing Calendar or the Carrier Calendar to see what calendars Promising is using. You might be able to modify the calendar to improve promising results.

The properties depend on the type of row that you select. Here are some example properties for an item that you make.

  • ATP Mode
  • Lead Time
  • Required Quantity
  • Required Date
  • Manufacturing Calendar
  • Resource Calendar

Here are some example properties for an item that you transfer.

  • Carrier
  • Mode of Transport
  • Service Level
  • Shipping Calendar
  • Receiving Calendar
  • Carrier Calendar
  • Expected Fulfillment Cost
  • Expected Shipping Cost