Allocate Your Rules

Use these guidelines to help you get started.

If you don't create an allocation rule, the Promising promises the first request it receives regardless of priority. If it receives sales order x that has a low priority first, and then receives order y that has a higher priority, it promises order x first, and then order y. Order x might consume all your supply, leaving none for y. You can use an allocation rule that says to fulfill order y first.

Allocate Your Demand Classes

Use an allocation rule to prioritize one type of demand over another.

Consider an example.

  • You can create an allocation rule that allocates 60% percent of your supply to the High Priority Customer demand class and 40% to the Low Priority Customer demand class.
  • You have supply that's available in a quantity of 100 on January 1, with an additional quantity of 100 becoming available on January 10.

You have these fulfillment lines.

Fulfillment Line Item Requested Date Requested Quantity Demand Class Result
x AS54888 January 1 30 Low Priority Customer

Fulfillment is delayed by 9 days.

Line 2 is higher priority and consumes a quantity of 30, leaving a quantity of 70 that's available to promise.

40% of 70 is only 28, so there isn't enough quantity to fulfill line 1 until January 10.

y AS54888 January 1 30 High Priority Customer

There's no delay. 60% of 100 is 60, so there's enough quantity on January 1 to fulfill line 2.

Set the Specification Type

Use the Specification Type attribute to specify how to allocate demand.

Specification Type Description
Number Allocate a fixed quantity to the demand class.
Percentage Allocate a percent of the total supply to the demand class.
Ratio Use a ratio between demand classes to divide the supply, then allocate the divided supply to the demand classes.