Refresh Results

Click Refresh Results on the Check Availability page, and Promising will refresh the results according to changes that you make on the page.

Promising checks availability for all lines in your batch of lines regardless of what lines you select, and it processes them according to the values that you set in the Override Priority attribute on the lines. If you change the value of any requested attribute on any line, then Promising uses your new values when it checks availability.

Expect That Results Will Be Different

The supply and demand that's available in your supply chain is constantly changing, so you might receive different results each time you check availability or refresh results. Promising might be able to promise an item on time in one result, but not in the next result.

Act Before Time Expires

Data in your supply chain is constantly changing. Other sales orders might consume supply for the same item on your fulfillment line, or more supply for the item might become available, so Promising sets a time limit to make sure your results remain accurate.

If the promising results meet your needs, then schedule the line before the results expire. The same results might not be available after you refresh because of other changes that happen in your supply chain.

To see how much time is remaining for your promising results, examine the static text on the Check Availability page, immediately below the word Done. For example:

Your results expire in 9:59

If the results expire, then click Actions > Refresh Results.