Use Cutoff Times to Control Your Shipments

Use a cutoff time to change the scheduled ship date for sales orders that Promising has already scheduled but that you can't ship today for some reason.

For example, if the ship date and time happens after the time that your carrier can pick up the item, then Promising will move the ship date to the next day that's available according to the shipment calendar in your shipping organization, the carrier, and your customer’s location.

Here are some examples where this feature is particularly useful:

  • You submit sales orders 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • You promise same day shipping.

Assume you submit a sales order at 6 PM on Monday, but your carrier's last pick up for the day happens at 5 PM. You can use the cutoff to tell Promising to move the shipment date to Tuesday.

Here's what Promising does.

  • Applies the cutoff for various scheduling flows, including the first time it schedules an order, when you check availability, when you manually reschedule a sales order, during automatic scheduling, and so on.
  • Considers a variety of setups to determine whether to apply the cutoff, such as lead time offsets, calendars, and so on.
  • Applies the cutoff only during the final step in fulfillment, such as when shipping an item to your customer. It doesn't apply the cutoff when it transfers supply between internal organizations unless you set up the receiving organization as a customer.
  • Compares the cutoff time to the time when Promising received the sales order. Promising uses this approach only if it uses the system date to determine the ship date.
  • If the Scheduled Ship Date happens now or in the past, then Promising applies your cutoff, but if it happens in the future, then Promising doesn't apply any cutoffs.


  • To set a cutoff, Go to the Plan Inputs work area, click Tasks > Maintain Supply Network Model, search for your item, click Interlocation Shipping Networks, then set the Order Shipment Cutoff Time attribute. To set it for a carrier, click Carrier instead of Interlocation Shipping Networks.
  • You can use the cutoff with a shipment date or a shipment set. You can also use it when you set the Request Type to Ship On or to Arrive On.
  • You can't use a cutoff with a drop shipment.
You can use the Cutoff Time attribute in file-based data import to import a cutoff date. The import will replace any current cutoffs that you have created.
File Worksheet
ScpOrganizationImportTemplate.xlsm Organization
ScpCarrierImportTemplate.xlsm Carrier
ScpInterLocationShipMethodsImportTemplate.xlsm InterLocationShipMethods
For details, go to File-Based Data Import (FBDI) for Oracle SCM. Locate the Supply Chain Planning chapter, then click these links:
  • Supply Chain Planning Carriers
  • Supply Chain Planning Interlocation Shipping Methods
  • Supply Chain Planning Organizations

Time Zone

Promising applies the cutoff according to the local time zone where your shipping organization resides. It uses this time when it promises the sales order. For example, if you set the cutoff to 5 PM, and if the organization's local time when Promising promises the order is:

  • 4 PM, then Promising keeps the current ship date.
  • 6 PM, then Promising moves the ship date to the next day that's available.


If you specify more than one cutoff time, then Promising uses a hierarchy to prioritize which one to use, where 1 is the highest and 3 is the lowest:

  1. Use the cutoff time that you specify for the source, destination, and carrier.
  2. Use the cutoff time that you specify for the carrier.
  3. Use the cutoff time that you specify for the organization.


Assume you set up three different cutoff times. A dash means you didn't specify a value.
Example Setup Organization Carrier Shipping Method Destination Cutoff Time
A Factory 1 - 2 Day Air Region 1 17:00
B - Quick Shipping - - 18:00
C Factory 1 - - - 19:00
D Factory 2 - 3 Day Truck Region 1 -


  • The local time at your shipping organization is Monday, 17:30 when Promising promises the sales order.
  • The schedules at your shipping organization, the carrier, and destination all work on Tuesday.

Here's how Promising applies your cutoffs for three different sales orders.

Sales Order Attribute Values On the Sales Order Cutoff Time That Promising Applies Original Scheduled Ship Date New Scheduled Ship Date

Factory 1

2 Day Air

Region 1

17:00 Monday Tuesday, 23:59

Factory 2

Quick Shipping

2 Day Air

Region 1

18:00 Monday Monday, 23:59

Factory 1

3 Day Truck

Region 1

19:00 Monday Monday, 23:59

Bold text indicates the values that Promising uses.


  • Sales order 76845 is in the Factory 1 organization, the sales order specifies to use 2 Day Air, and the customer on the order is in Region 1, so Promising uses example setup A. Promising promised at 17:30 on Monday, which happens after A's 17:00 cutoff, so Promising moves the Scheduled Ship Date to the last minute on Tuesday, which is 23:59.
  • In general, Promising sets the time stamp to 23:59 in the local time of the shipping organization. It does this so it can consistently compare the current system time to the cutoff time in instances where the ship date is today.
  • Sales order 37608 is just like 76845 except 37608 is in the Factory 2 organization and it specifies the carrier. However, you don't have a setup that matches Factory 2, 2 Day Air, and Region 1, so Promising moves down to priority 2 and uses the setup that matches the carrier, which is example B. The cutoff for Example B is 18:00, the current system time is 17:30, so Promising changes the scheduled ship date to 23:59 on Tuesday.
  • Sales order 11564 is just like 76845 except 11564 specifies to use 3 Day Truck. However, you don't have a setup that matches Factory 1, 3 Day Truck, and Region 1, so Promising moves down to priority 3 and uses the setup that matches the organization, which is example C. The cutoff for Example C is 19:00, which happens after 17:30, so Promising doesn't apply the cutoff and doesn't change the scheduled ship date.

Note that the shipping method is a combination of the carrier, service level, and transportation mode.


Assume you need to set up the cutoff time to 5:00 PM for each ground shipment that you ship through your Quick Shipping carrier.

Here's your setup:

  1. Examine the behavior without using a cutoff time.
    • Go to the Order Management work area, query for your sales order, then click Actions > Switch to Fulfillment View.
    • On the Order page, click Fulfillment Lines, then click Check Availability.
    • On the Check Availability page, notice the values.
      Attribute Value
      Expected Ship Date 02/21/22
      Days of Delay 0
      Availability Status Empty
    • In the Availability Options area, click Actions > Availability Details.
    • On the Availability Details, Current Option page, in the Availability Details area, click Actions > Pegging Properties.
    • In the Pegging Properties dialog, notice the values.
      Attribute Value
      Carrier Quick Shipping
      Mode of Transport Air
      Service Level 2 Day Air
    • Click Done > Done > Done. You should be back on the Order page.
  2. Create a cutoff time.
    • Open another internet browser and sign into Promising.
    • Go to the Plan Inputs work area, then click Tasks > Maintain Supply Network Model.
    • On the Maintain Supply Network Model page, click Interlocation Shipping Networks, then do a search.
      Attribute Value
      Carrier Quick Shipping
      Mode of Transport Air
  3. In the search results, set the value, then click Save.
    Attribute Value
    Order Shipment Cutoff Time


    Use the hh:mm format.


    • hh is the hours on a 24 hour clock.
    • mm is the minutes after the hour.

    You must use a 24 hour clock. For example, you can't use 5:00 to indicate 5:00 PM. Use 17:00 instead.

  4. Examine the revised behavior.
    • Go back to the browser that you used to open the sales order.
    • On the Order page, click Check Availability. Promising recalculates the dates, and uses your new cutoff.
    • On the Check Availability page, notice that the Expected Ship Date is now the next day and that there is 1 day of delay.
      Attribute Value
      Expected Ship Date 02/22/22
      Days of Delay 1
      Availability Status Delayed