Configure Exception Thresholds

You can control the number of exceptions that your plan generates by changing the levels at which an exception is computed and its threshold value. A higher threshold value typically results in fewer exceptions.

To configure exception thresholds, do the following:

  1. From a Supply Chain Planning work area, select the Configure Exceptions task.

  2. On the Configure Exceptions page, select an exception.

  3. Click Actions and then select Edit.

Demand planning, replenishment planning, and sales and operations planning exceptions are measure-based exceptions. A base measure forms the foundation for these exceptions.

In the Planning Central work area, you can't change the base measure, but you can edit the level at which the exception is computed and its threshold value.

Most supply planning exception calculations are for a specific order and aren't associated with a base measure. For these types of exceptions, select the fact associated with the exception and modify the condition that specifies when to generate the exception. Think of a fact as an attribute of the exception. Typical facts are quantity and value.