Load Measures from Other Plans

This topic provides steps to load measures from one plan to another or within a plan.

Note: Before you copy the measure data, ensure that the source and target plans have run without any errors.
  1. Navigate to the Load Measures from Other Plans page:

    1. In the Navigator, click one of the following work area links, and then open a plan:

      • Sales and Operations Planning

      • Demand Management

      • Demand and Supply Planning

    2. On the Tasks panel tab, click the Load Measures from Other Plans link.

  2. On the Load Measures from Other Plans page, select a source plan and a target plan.

    The target plan is automatically selected as the source plan and can't be changed in these cases:

    • In the Demand Management or Demand and Supply Planning work area, you selected a demand plan as the source plan.

    • In the Demand and Supply Planning work area, you selected a demand and supply plan as the source plan.

    • In the Sales and Operations Planning work area, you selected a sales and operations plan as the source plan.

  3. (Optional) To insert new combinations in the target plan, select the Create new combinations check box.

    Selecting the Create new combinations check box doesn't insert new item and organization combinations from the source plan into the target plan. Instead, the planning process inserts new demand combinations from the source plan that don't already exist in the target plan. If you don't select this check box, source plan combinations aren't created in the target plan if they don't already exist there, and measure data isn't copied for these combinations.

  4. In the Copy Range Relative to Start Date section, do the following:
    1. Copy Time Level: Copy Time Level conveys the time level at which measure data is copied. It is read-only and informational.
    2. Time Level Range Start: Enter the range start value to copy the measure data for either the history or future time period.
    3. Time Level Range End: Enter the range end value to copy the measure data for either the history or future time period.
    Note: For history, enter negative values for both Time Level Range Start and Time Level Range End.
  5. In the Measure Mapping section, click the Add Row icon to add a source and target measure mapping row.

    1. In the Source Measure field, select the name of source measure. Don't select a measure that's already used as a source measure in another mapping row.

    2. In the Target Measure field, select the name of the target measure. Don't select a measure that's already used as a target measure in another mapping row.

      If you're copying measure data between plans, by default, the source measure is automatically selected as the target measure if it's in the measure catalog of the target plan.

      If you're copying measure data within the plan, the source measure isn't available for selection as the target measure.

  6. (Optional) To save the mapping to reuse later to quickly load data into your plan, click Save as Measure Copy Set.

    1. In the Save as Measure Copy Set dialog box, enter a name and description for your measure copy set.

    2. To replace an existing measure copy set, select the Overwrite existing check box.

    3. Click Save and Close to return to the Load Measures from Other Plans page.

  7. Click Submit to run the Load Measures from Other Plans scheduled process.

    The Status dialog box opens and displays the request number. You can use this request number to search for the result of the parent scheduled process (Orchestrate Load Measures Processes) in the Scheduled Processes work area.