Measures for Forecasting Using Supersession Relationships

Predefined measures are available for use in forecasting with supersession relationships.

This table lists the predefined measures for forecasting with supersession relationships:
Name Description
Current Revision Contains 1 if an item revision is current as of today for a supersession chain. Otherwise, the value is zero.
Inventory ID of Latest Item Revision Contains the inventory ID for the latest (future) revision of an item in a supersession chain.
Item Revision End Date Contains the effective end date for the revision of an item in a supersession chain.
Item Revision Start Date Contains the effective start date for the revision of an item in a supersession chain.
Latest Revision Contains 1 if an item revision is the latest (future) revision for a supersession chain. Otherwise, the value is zero.
Name of Latest Item Revision Contains the name of the latest (future) revision of an item in a supersession chain.

The predefined measure catalog named Supersession Forecasting Catalog contains these measures.