Set Measure Targets for Use in Tiles

You can enter or update goals for a measure to track performance against the goals. Set targets by editing a measure and updating the measure goal. When the plan summary displays the measure, the goal or target for that measure is visible.

You can define goals only for measures that are of data type currency, number, or percent.

For global goals, you can provide a low range or a high range. The ranges are displayed on the user interface when you view a measure in comparison with its goal. Global goals are measure level parameters and aren't defined specifically for a data population.

To enter or update measure target goals, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Manage Planning Measures page:

    1. In a Supply Chain Planning work area, open a plan.

    2. On the Edit Plan page, click the Tasks panel tab.

    3. In the Tasks panel drawer, click the Manage Planning Measures link.

  2. On the Manage Planning Measures page, select the measure and click the Edit icon.

  3. On the Edit Measure page, navigate to the Advanced tab, Goals subtab.

  4. In the Goals subtab, select whether low values or high values are better.

    For example, high values are better for Gross Margin, but low values are better for Demand at Risk.

  5. In the Global Goals section, provide a low range or a high range.

  6. Click Save and Close.