View the Segmentation Summary

You can view segmentation results on the Segmentation Summary page. The results of the latest and previous segmentation runs are displayed.

A segment group consists of segments into which combinations are grouped.

  • In the Replenishment Planning work area, the combinations consist of items and locations that are collected from Oracle Fusion Cloud Product Lifecycle Management.
  • In the Supply Planning and Planning Central work areas, the combinations also consist of items and locations that are collected from Oracle Fusion Cloud Product Lifecycle Management.
  • In the Sales and Operations work area, the combinations consist of items and locations that are collected from Oracle Fusion Cloud Product Lifecycle Management.
  • In the Demand Management work area, the combinations could include both:

    • Items and locations that are collected from Oracle Fusion Cloud Product Lifecycle Management.
    • Customers and demand classes that are collected from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications and external sources.

View the Summary

Follow this procedure to view the segmentation summary for a segment group:

  1. Perform one of these steps:

    • On the Tasks panel tab, under Plan Inputs, select View Segmentation Summary.

      The Segmentation Summary page opens.

    • On the Manage Segment Groups and Criteria page, select a segment group, and click Actions > View Segmentation Summary.

      The Segmentation Summary page opens.

  2. In Segment Group, select the segment group for which you want to view the segmentation summary.

    The page is refreshed with the segmentation summary for the segment group. The results of the latest and previous segmentation runs are displayed, along with other details of the combinations for each segment.

    You can click a number for a segment under a column to open the Manage Segment Members page and view the combinations that meet the criteria for the number that you clicked. If you perform any overrides on the Manage Segment Members page, the changes are immediately reflected on the Segmentation Summary page.

    If you opened the segmentation summary from the Manage Segment Groups and Criteria page, the field is grayed out, and you can view segmentation results for only the segment group you selected on the page.

  3. Click Done to close the Segmentation Summary page.

Points to Note About Displayed Information

Note these points about the information displayed on the Segmentation Summary page:

  • You can use the latest and previous results to understand how and why combinations have moved from one segment to another. These movements happen because of changes in demands, sales, and consumption. By identifying the factors underlying these movements, you can fine-tune the segmentation process and apply manual overrides as required.

  • Every time you run segmentation with the Save the last segmentation result check box selected in the Execute Segmentation dialog box, the latest results presently displayed on the Segmentation Summary page are displayed as the previous results, and the results of the job you just submitted are displayed as the latest results. Your manual overrides remain unaffected so long as you selected the Retain segment overrides check box in the Execute Segmentation dialog box.

  • If you have run segmentation for the first time for the segment group, the previous results aren't displayed.

  • No previous results are displayed for a segment that's added during the latest segmentation run.

  • The values under the Latest Count, Previous Count, Added in Latest Run, and Removed in Latest Run columns don't include your manual overrides.