Files Created by the Plan Extract Process

The plan extract process generates a set of files. Some files have file names that begin with DATA and have a .csv.gz file extension. These files are compressed, comma-separated value (CSV) files.

The extract process also generates a set of files with file names that begin with META and have a .mdcsv.gz extension for its internal use. You can ignore the META files.

Every plan extract results in the following DATA files:

File generated

Description of file

Dimension Data

The plan extract process generates one dimension data file for each dimension selected for the extract process. This file contains all of the level members with their associated relationships for all hierarchies in that dimension.

Dimension Definition

The plan extract process generates one dimension definition file for each extract and contains the names of the hierarchies and levels.

Measure Data

The plan extract process generates one measure data file for each set of measures that share the same dimensionality. This file contains the measure values by the different dimensions.

Measure Definition

The plan extract process generates one measure definition file for each extract and contains the names, data types, expressions, granularity, and aggregation rules of the measure.

The extract process generates the dimension definition and measure definition files to help you understand the content of the data files, but they aren't essential for reporting or analysis. These files contain translatable strings in the language of the planner performing the extract.

Naming Conventions for Extracted DATA Files

In addition to the DATA prefix and .csv.gz file extension, the data file names follow a specific naming pattern. You can search the content server for this name pattern to get the required files for download.

  • Dimension file name patterns

    • Dimension data file:

      Dimension data file name pattern
    • Dimension definition file:

      Dimension definition file name pattern

    Dimension file name parts



    The job ID of the extract scheduled process.


    The ID of the plan. This name is available in log files.

    Dimension code

    The dimension code that the hierarchies in the file belong to. Used in the dimension data file, but not the dimension definition file.


    The job ID of the extract scheduled job of the BI Cloud Connector (BICC) tool.


    Date and time the extract scheduled process began.

  • Measure file name patterns

    • Measure data file:

      Measure data file name pattern
    • Measure definition file:

      Measure definition file name pattern

    Measure file name parts



    The job ID of the extract scheduled process.


    The ID of the plan. This name is available in log files.

    Dimensionality group code

    Name of the dimensionality group code. Used in the measure data file, but not the measure definition file.


    The job ID of the extract scheduled job of the BI Cloud Connector (BICC) tool.


    Date and time the extract scheduled process began.