Adjust Amounts for Credit Authorizations

Use this scheduled process to adjust the credit authorization amount on each order line when shipping has canceled part or all of a backorder.

When to Use

See Cancel Backorders and Enforce Single Shipments.

Privileges Required

  • • Adjust Amounts for Credit Authorizations (FOM_ADJUST_CREDIT_AUTH_AMOUNT_PRIV)


Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled or as needed. We recommend that you run this scheduled process at regular intervals. This way, you can process data without having to constantly run the process manually.
Frequency As needed.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Typically less than two minutes.
Compatibility You can run more than one instance of this scheduled process at the same time. However, to avoid conflicts, we recommend that you run only one instance at a time.

