Copy Inventory Organizations

The copy inventory organizations scheduled process is used in the event of an unexpected failure when using the Copy Inventory Organizations task to create new inventory organizations based upon a source organization.

When the Copy Inventory Organizations task is submitted, a scheduled process is used to create the data. The task is used to simplify creating inventory organizations when a sample source organization is constructed and tested, and is suitable to be used as the basis for making a series of copies where the new organizations vary by name, code, and location. The submitted job may take several minutes depending on the volume of data being copied, as well as the number of copies being created. You will receive the process ID when the process is submitted. Confirm that the scheduled process completes successfully.

When to Use

In the unexpected event that the scheduled process does not complete successfully, you may need to coordinate with your administrators to identify why the failure occurred by reviewing log data.

If the decision is to resume copying, this scheduled process can be used with the earlier process ID so that the earlier work that completed successfully is skipped over and the copy process resumes at the correct starting point.

Privileges Required

  • Manage Inventory Organization (INV_MANAGE_INVENTORY_ORGANIZATION_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type

Ad hoc job.


This scheduled process is to be initiated only in the event of an unexpected error on your instance.

Time of Day

The process can be run at any time of day and does not need to be scheduled to run during off hours.


The total duration is variable, and will depend primarily upon the volume of child data objects being copied. An organization with several thousand subinventories or locators may require several minutes for each new organization being created with this data.


There should be only one instance of the job running at any time, and there’s no current functional expectation to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously. The goal is to create duplicate inventory organizations, which should be a relatively infrequent implementation task.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required
Process ID Required The identifier of a copy inventory organizations request that was previously submitted through the user interface task that is used to resume the previous job. Integer value None

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the submitted copy organization request in the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • Any errors and warning messages that prevented successful completion are displayed in the error log.