Create ABC Classification Set

Use the Create ABC Classification Set scheduled process to create a new ABC classification set based on specified parameters. You can classify some or all of an organization's items based on the scope and criteria specified in order to divide the items into ABC classes for use in ABC analysis and cycle counting.

You can define and compile an ABC analysis for your entire organization or for a specific subinventory within your organization. You select the criteria, the scope of your analysis, and any additional information that may be conditionally necessary, based on your criteria. The combination of all these parameters constitutes an ABC classification set, identified by the ABC classification set name. You use this name to identify any activity pertaining to this ABC analysis.

When to Use

Use the Create ABC Classification Set scheduled process to resubmit an ABC classification set. For example, when new items are added to the inventory, you may need to resubmit the ABC classification set so the items for the classification set are resequenced to include the new items and reflect the current values of the classification set criteria.

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Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Ad hoc job


Frequency As needed, depending on how often you add items to inventory and need to reclassify existing ABC classifications or create new ones.

If there are large volumes of items in your inventory for which you need to create a new ABC classification set based on existing ABC classification set criteria, it may be more beneficial to run as a scheduled process during off hours for performance reasons. This way the process doesn’t compete with other scheduled processes during normal hours.

If the number of items in your inventory isn’t enormous and the impact to system resources would be minimal, then run this scheduled process as an ad hoc job to meet the immediate business needs of reclassifying your items based on existing ABC criteria.

Time of Day Any time after all new items have been added to the inventory.
Duration Runtime of this process depends heavily on item volumes, or a particular ABC classification set setup, making it difficult to predict. The process duration is variable based on the number of items in the classification set.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the job running at any time, and there’s no current functional need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Organization Required The organization in which the ABC classification set is defined. Inventory organization None N/A
ABC Classification Set Required Name of the ABC classification set for the classification to run. ABC classification set name None N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • When the process is submitted, you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, and Release Process as provided by the Scheduled Processes work area.
  • Error and warning messages encountered while running the process display in the process log file.